Cloned my hard drive to SSD but not Windows 10 is not booting up


I used easeus clone software to clone my hard drive to SSD(Samsung 1 TB SSD). The clone process took good amount of time(more than 4 hours) as i think it has lot to clone.

After that when i put the new SSD and removed the old hard drive - I am getting some weird errors. Like this: your pc/device needs to be repaired a required device isn't connected or can't be accessed Error code 0xc0000225

Yes, the same one is being mentioned at this link by the tools guys also

But i have a complex situation. Mine is a dual boot Ubuntu Linux system with GRUB as a boot loader. I don't know what all is being messed up? Anybody else faced the same issue? What could be the possible fix?

Another update: After booting from the Windows boot drive(USB) made following this( - i found that C: doesn't have anything and the D: drive which was having Windows has got everything. What to do? On command prompt X drive - it says that command not found when trying bootrec /fixMbr

asked on Super User Nov 24, 2018 by Ashu • edited Nov 24, 2018 by Ashu

2 Answers


Just to add to this: I cloned my Win 10 laptop to a new Crucial SSD, and used the cloning software that Crucial provide. I was gutted to received the blue screen error on boot: 0xc0000225

My fix was:

  1. Boot into Windows Recovery Environment using the Windows 10 installation media.

  2. Click on Repair your computer.

  3. Click on Troubleshoot and in the Advanced options.

  4. Select Command Prompt. Type the following commands into the prompt and press Enter key after each command.

• bootrec /fixmbr

• bootrec /fixboot <--- This gave an access denied.

• bootrec /scanos

The laptop booted straight after this! :-D

answered on Super User Nov 16, 2019 by Red-Roo

Finally i used the Samsung magician that can be downloaded from here. It worked like charm. In less than 40 minutes - the entire drive was cloned without any problems/issues. Sadly it only work with Samsung SSDs only.

answered on Super User Jan 31, 2019 by Ashu

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