After installing a custom keyboard filter driver (kbfiltr.sys
), a slightly modified version of kbfiltr (Windows-driver-samples), and waking my system from standby the next morning, I was greeted by this BSOD:
Bug Check Code 0x000000d1
Parameter 1 00000000`00000000
Parameter 2 00000000`00000002
Parameter 3 00000000`00000000
Parameter 4 fffff801`7675cd91
Caused By Driver cmudaxp.sys
Caused By Address cmudaxp.sys+2f7d91
Crash Address ntoskrnl.exe+1402a0
Edit: Here are all drivers found in stack by BlueScreenView
Filename Address in Stack
cmudaxp.sys cmudaxp.sys+2f7d91
ntoskrnl.exe ntoskrnl.exe+1e448b
This BSOD seems to be a well known Asus Xonar audio driver bug, but it
Since the BSOD happened, I've woken up my system from standby several times without any errors.
Is this purely a very unfortunate coincidence or is there a chance it might have been caused by my driver (kbfiltr.sys
Follow up: During the last 8 days, and without changing the system, I didn't get any more BSODs. It's highly probable that this single BSOD was just a very unlucky coincidence.
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