How to bypass NTFS file permissions?


Recently I had permissions problems with Windows Search, then I run Permissions Time Machine to restore the permissions to default (according this topic)

After this, I receive a blue screen on startup, with the 0xC000021A code.

In Advanced Startup Options, I receive an "access denied" for all files that I try access in command prompt!

However, I can access all these files by Ubuntu Live CD. There are a way to recover the permissions without reinstall Windows?

asked on Super User Apr 25, 2018 by Rafael • edited Apr 25, 2018 by phuclv

1 Answer



 sudo chmod -R -f 777 (your hard disk path)

on the Ubuntu Live CD (after mounting your hard disk)

(your hard disk path) would be, for example, /media/live/disk/* rather then C:\ or /dev/sdb2.

But BE WARNED: 777 applies read, write, and execute to the files. Some Windows files are not supposed to have these permissions (in Linux permission style, they would be closer to-rwxr----- then -rwxrwxrwx).

I have not tested this command but your system should boot afterwards.

answered on Super User Apr 25, 2018 by Zackary

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