I'm following the RunOnceEx documentation from here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-ie/help/310593/description-of-the-runonceex-registry-key
and I want it to generate a log file, so I use both log-file flags:
0x00000010 Create Error Log File Create C:\Windows\RunOnceEx.err file if errors occur 0x00000020 Create Execution Log File Create a C:\Windows\RunOnceEx.log file with status of commands
But no log files are generated.
Here's my reg file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"TITLE"="title test"
With this test, notepad gets run correctly, but no execution log-file is created.
Then for an error-test, I changed the path on the last line from "notepad.exe" to "notepad2.exe", i.e. a file that doesn't exist. Here I'm expecting an error-log to be generated to indicate an invalid path, but again no error-log gets generated.
Does anyone know why the log files specified in the documentation, RunOnceEx.log and RunOnceEx.err, are not getting generated?
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