Cannot delete a file. The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable


I have a file on my laptops SD card. I use the SD card as an extension of my hard drive.

When I try to delete this file (.jpg) I get the following error message

Error 0x80070570: The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.

A quick Google search of this provides results for this error message during installation of Windows or on a Server.

I attempted the following command

del f "D:\GitHub\Site\Photoshop\restaurant-644504_1920.jpg"

But I get a similar image about it being corrupted.

I am able to write files to the SD card, amend files and delete files. This issue is occurring with only 1 file.

How can I remove this corrupted file?

asked on Super User Jun 17, 2017 by MyDaftQuestions • edited Jun 17, 2017 by MyDaftQuestions

1 Answer


Well, the filesystem is corrupted. You have to fix it.

Right-click the card in Computer, select PropertiesToolsCheck.

If you prefer command line, chkdsk /f X: will do the same thing (replace X: with the drive letter).

This may be an indication that the SD card will fail soon, make sure your backups are working and prepare a spare card.

answered on Super User Jun 17, 2017 by gronostaj • edited Jun 17, 2017 by gronostaj

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