BSOD error 0xc000021a


BSOD error 0xc000021a on windows 8.1 64 bit.

  • unable to access safe mood.
  • unable to access all the other options in Advanced Boot Options.
  • no minidump file for this BSOD.
  • I can access Windows 7 in the other partition so I can access to 8.1 files.

I'm not sure but I suspect its the windows update, so I need help how to troubleshoot this.

asked on Super User Mar 17, 2016 by Fayssal Ozilf • edited Mar 18, 2016 by DavidPostill

1 Answer


We do need the actual log files (called a DMP files) as they contain the only record of the sequence of events leading up to the crash, what drivers were loaded, and what was responsible.

Please follow our instructions for finding and uploading the files we need to help you fix your computer. They can be found here If you have any questions about the procedure please ask

Please read this wiki to find out how to find and upload your event viewer logs

answered on Super User Mar 31, 2016 by ZigZag3143

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