I installed Wfapi SDK. All standard examples for Wfapi in VB and C work just fine but I wanted to wrap the dll to use it in C#. However the example from the official site VSSDKNET Wrapper converted into VS10 standard and compiled gives me the incorrect format HResult : 0x8007000B
error and even changing the example (compiling to x64 cpu or changing some types according to msdn default type marshaling in wrapper) didn't help.
At that point I decided to try luck with MFcom (downloaded the MPSSDK). The standart example from that sdk gives me errors finding referenced mfcom lib. So I even can't compile it.
Developer machine - WinXP SP3 with VS10.
Server - Win Server 2008 R2 standard SP1, 64bit, XenApp 6
As for the goal of all this - I want to have an ability to create my own VirtualChannels from Server to Client machine and exchange some info through them.
Can someone clearly explain me what should I download, install and change in the code to make it work.
If you're looking to create your own virtual channel then those are the wrong SDKs to be looking at. Citrix has a dedicated SDK for creating your own VCs. You can find more information about it here:
For questions about the SDK there is a dedicated forum for it here:
I have personally never used this SDK, so I cannot give you specific information about how to install/setup/compile/configure/etc.
Regards, Donovan
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