Silverlight 5 web cam capture: Two capture sources on the same device


I tried to attach the same Video Source Device (the WEB CAM) to two different CaptureSource objects but it looks like that want work.

The system throws an exception: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007001F)

I think the web cam is locked on first CaptureSource.

Does anybody has an idea how to display two images from the same Device but from different capture source? I wanted to use a simple CaptureSource on one side and MediaStremSource with some filtering on the other side to see differences between original and filtered video source.

I wanted to use the plain CaptureSource because it's performance is better than MediaStreamSource. MediaStreamSource loses time when raises OnSample Event which is not happening with CaptureSource.

asked on Stack Overflow Mar 24, 2012 by Patrik

2 Answers


I know this exception, When you work on debug mode silverlight fails. Run project by Ctrl+F5. (Release mode)

In addition use ask for permission methods this will display permission window for camera.

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 26, 2012 by Davut Gürbüz

It is very capable, just did it myself. However, in experimenting with different cameras and different inputs.... 2 MS LifeCams connected to USB3 = same error. Connecting to USB2 hub to USB2 MB works like a charm. Also, if I run something like ActiveCam and it crashes, may need a reboot. Oh, you will need to use 2 capture sources.... but can still ask permission once.

Also remember not to use DefaultCaptureDevice but:

var dev1 = CaptureDeviceConfiguration.GetAvailableVideoCaptureDevices()[0];
var dev2 = CaptureDeviceConfiguration.GetAvailableVideoCaptureDevices()[1];

With perhaps better naming conventions and logic to check if devices exist etc...

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 27, 2012 by Chris S

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