Fatal Error HRESULT=0x80131c08 while debugging in Visual Studio 2010


I am running Visual Studio 2010 in Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit in VMware 4.1.1 running on 2 processors and roughly 2GB of ram. On debugging a simple application Visual Studio seems to hang/unresponsive. I then get a bubble message informing me that "Visual Studio is busy waiting for an internal operation to complete". After a few minutes I then receive the following prompt:

"A fatal error has occurred and debugging needs to be terminated. For more details, please see the Microsoft Help and Support web site. HRESULT=0x80131c08. ErrorCode=0x0."

Microsoft's Support website can't find a solution. I have searched my favourite resource 'Google' to no avail. As well as looking here on stack overflow. I did find a post on here similar but unrelated to VMware, post mentioned that this error was due to a memory issue, so I increased the virtual machine to 4GB and tried the whole process again. And got the same error.

Has anyone else experienced this issue, or found a solution or could point me in the direction of the right thread. As I say I did search to no avail.

asked on Stack Overflow Mar 20, 2012 by Matt Fricker • edited May 15, 2019 by Matt Fricker

3 Answers


I had this error when I automatically attach to a process in C# code using the EnvDTE namespace. The process that was attached unexpectedly ended (the process was killed somehow?) and therefore the debugger timed-out. Probably a unlucky moment, after that message with the HRESULT=0x80131c08 error I also got another message saying: could not not detach from proces X (the automatically attached process) due to a unrecoverable API failure. Hopefully this might be of some help so some one some day.

answered on Stack Overflow May 22, 2013 by Mike de Klerk

This had nothing to do with my configuration, VMware / Memory. I am embarrassed to say it was completely my fault. Issue in my code with an array, although I have never been able to cause Visual Studio to crash before with my own code. Apologies for wasting your time @Hans Passant.

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 24, 2012 by Matt Fricker

I have come across this error (among others) when attaching WinDbg (non-invasive) to a process while the VisualStudio 2013 debugger is attached. If you ask why I'd even do such a thing, it's because VS 2013 no longer supports loading SOS into the VS debugger!

answered on Stack Overflow Sep 10, 2014 by Dave Black

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