I am having problems with a line of ASP code involving response.write


Ok folks, I am trying to write a line of code in Classic ASP for a button that will trigger it to go to another page with a querystring variable. However I am having difficulties getting this to work.

Here is my code so far:

response.write "<td valign='top'><input type='button' name='cmdUpdateInfo' value='Update Info' tabindex='7' onclick='window.location=updatecustomer.asp?UpdateID=""'" & rs("ID") & "'""/></td>" & vbCrLf

When this line is processed I get the following error on my ASP processor: Error Type: (0x80020009) Exception occurred. /ls_internal/newinvoice.asp, line 325

line 325 is the line of code above. I know this is something simple, but for the life of me, I cannot seem to figure it out.

Thank you in advance.

asked on Stack Overflow Dec 26, 2011 by Russell

3 Answers


For one you should use double quotes for html attributes and single for javascript so

onclick=window.location=updatecustomer.asp?UpdateID=""'" & rs("ID") & "'"" />

should be

onclick=""window.location='updatecustomer.asp?UpdateID=" & rs("ID") & "'"" />

Other than that you should output html directly, without having asp handle it as a string to print.

What i mean is that instead of the whole response.write ..... line you could do

%><td valign="top"><input type="button" name="cmdUpdateInfo" value="Update Info" tabindex="7" onclick="window.location='updatecustomer.asp?UpdateID=<%=rs("ID")%>'"/></td>
answered on Stack Overflow Dec 26, 2011 by Gabriele Petrioli • edited Dec 27, 2011 by Gabriele Petrioli

As you've currently written your line of code it will translate into

<td valign='top'><input type='button' name='cmdUpdateInfo' value='Update Info'
tabindex='7' onclick='window.location=updatecustomer.asp?UpdateID="'999'"/></td>

Assuming that the rs("id") contains the value 999. There is nothing wrong with that line of code, first thing I would try doing is comment out the rs("id") element and see if the page runs ok.

If it doesn't then I would check further up your page - are you sure that your SQL query is returning anything? I wonder if your rs is empty (not a NULL value, I mean no records were returned) In which case you need to add an IF NOT rs.eof THEN condition to your code.

Personally I would follow Gaby aka G.Petrioli's recommendation above to convert your HTML attributes into double quotes, and JavaScript to single.

answered on Stack Overflow Dec 27, 2011 by Dan

As this come inside a loop I prefer to not break out of the ASP code and instead use kind of "template":

Dim cellTemplate
cellTemplate = "<td valign=""top""><button type=""button"" name=""cmdUpdateInfo"" tabindex=""7"" onclick=""window.location = 'updatecustomer.asp?UpdateID=$id';"">Update Info</button></td>"

Do Until rs.EOF
    response.write Replace(cellTemplate, "$id", rs("ID")) & vbCrLf

This is more elegant and won't create spaghetti code, plus you better use ordinary button and not <input> element.

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