I have an Android project on Eclipse (STS) and it is giving me this error last time I tried to compile:
The project was not built due to "SVN: '0x00000119: Delete' operation finished with error". Fix the problem, then try refreshing this project and building it since it may be inconsistent
Google was not very helpful.. Only 9 hits
I had the same problem, I disconnected and connected the project from the SVN. In the project, right click, TEAM>Disconnect and the problem was solved
I would discard your current project and rebuild the project files again, importing the codebase :(
Update: JohnEye recommends trying an svn cleanup first and this may solve your issue. If not, see above.
I may have just found the answer. It is surprisingly simple, assuming you are using linux, navigate to the project directory (cd ~/workspace/myProject
) and run svn cleanup
Solved the problem for me.
Edit: Just happened to me again and my solution worked as expected, so it probably was not just a random fluke.
Had same issue. The work-around was to disconnect the project from SVN (Team->Disconnect) (note: please make sure you don't delete .svn) and refresh the project. Your are back on track, and you can reconnect to SVN once again.
Deleting the project and re-checking out has worked for a couple of hours, but then the problem returned (maybe I deleted stuff again or whatever). There's a bug track here: http://issues.tmatesoft.com/issue/SVNKIT-77
SVN is a wonderful tool, if used correctly. Unfortunately when we use SVN incorrect, we run into such crazy issues.
The best way to fix issues like this,
If you copy folders, you will also end up copying .svn hidden folders and you will be in the same mess again. So create the folders manually.
One more, DONT waste your time trying to find ways to fix your svn issues. Just use the 2 step process above.
I was encountering the same issue after importing the project from bitbucket repo. What worked for me was to disconnect the project and connect it again.
1. Team->disconnect.
2. Team->share project->Git->Use or create repository in parent folder->finish
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