Could not load file or assembly, Failed to grant permission to execute


I get following error while running my winform project, though all the reference are added in the project.. Does anybody has solution for it

Could not load file or assembly 'UltraControl, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. Failed to grant permission to execute. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131418)
asked on Stack Overflow Nov 2, 2011 by Giri Deshi • edited Nov 2, 2011 by Ross Patterson

1 Answer


When you add a control to a form, if the control rquires the use of a dll , then it will not consult the references in your project. The designer will look in the GAC to find the required dll.

If the designer cannot find the required file in the GAC then it produces the error you have mentioned.

Register the required dll's in the GAC so the VS IDE designer can access them.

answered on Stack Overflow Apr 13, 2012 by timothy

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