Setting up remote kernel debugger with WinDbg

c:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\Debuggers>kdsrv.exe tcp:port=60001
c:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\Debuggers>kd -remote tcp:server=\\,port=60001

DebugConnect failed, HRESULT 0x80010007  
"The callee (server [not server application]) is not available and disappeared; 
all connections are invalid. The call may have executed."

I'm using Win7 and have also set bcedit debug on and net on.

asked on Stack Overflow Nov 1, 2011 by xsd • edited Jun 25, 2014 by Thomas Weller

1 Answer


The commands you have are wrong. Take a look at the MSDN for the exact syntax. This is example of launching kdsrv:

kdsrv -t tcp:port=1027 

then the remote debugger is launched like this:

windbg -k kdsrv:server=@{tcp:server=,port=1027},trans=@{com:port=com1,baud=57600}

Notice, that kdsrv.exe is only used with "3 machine setup": a debuggee, a local debugger machine and remote debugger machine. Is that what you want to accomplish? Anyways, you should just start with regular "2 machine" setup: a debuggee and a debugger. After you have this working, you can throw one more machine to your environment for remote debugging.

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 2, 2011 by seva titov

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