Running Eclipse Build id: 20110615-0604
Android SDK & AVD Manager (setup in eclipse)
Android X86 2.3-RC1.eeepc.iso
Oracle VM VirtualBox Version 4.1.2.r73507 (installed and running android)
In the VM using Alt F1 and the command netcfg produces:
Android root@eeepc:/ # netcfg
lo UP 0x00000049
The path for Android is set in eclipse to C:\android\android-sdk
In the tools directory I use the command 'adb kill-server'
I then use 'adb connect'
which produces:
unable to connect to
I have a virtual device setup already in Eclipse using the AVD manager and this works perfectly - though very slowly, hence the need to use X86.
When the working emulator is running the command 'adb devices'
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 (the slow emulator)
When the slow emulator is running and I then use the command 'adk kill-server'
and use the command 'adb connect'
it produces:
C:\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>adb connect
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
connected to
So then I go back to:
C:\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>adb kill-server
C:\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>adb connect
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
connected to
C:\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device device
But the new X86 device, presumably at
doesn't appear in the AVD manager
. Should it? I'm stumped.
I've googled everywhere so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Hello James, I tried a similar set up and I got the same error as you. I eventually gave up using virtualbox. After struggling for two days I switched to using vmware and I had to use a different image. I used the following image: and for the vmware set up I followed this tutorial:
Do not skip over the part that says to edit the virtual machines configuration file. I hope this helps.
You might also want to consider using the android image provided by it worked right away for me and I connected using "adb connect"
I had the same problem of "unable to connect to". I then found here:
2.using adb with a NAT'ed VM
•The steps above work nicely if you have a VM which is set up to use Bridged or Host-Only adapters •However, if you have a NAT'ed VM you cannot connect to the VM IP from the host •You will need to set up port forwarding for a host port to be forwarded to the VM port 5555 (which is adb) VBoxManage modifyvm --natpf1 adb,tcp,,,,5555 Example from one machine: VBoxManage modifyvm froyo --natpf1 adb,tcp,,5555,,5555 •Once this is done, you should see the local port (i.e. 5555 in this case) bound on the host via netstat -a •You can now connect to the VM by adb localhost:5555
That solved the problem for me. Good luck!
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