MIDL CoClass derived from Interface defined in the same file


Why can't I define an Interface in an idl file and then have a CoClass derive it in a library block within the same file when I am deriving said Interface from an Interface that I have defined in another Proxy Server project?

] interface IMyInterfaceB: IMyInterfaceA
    [id(1), helpstring("")]
    HRESULT NewMethod();

 helpstring("Type Library 1.00"),
library MyLibrary

        helpstring("My Class")
    coclass CMyClass
        interface IMyInterfaceA;
        //interface IMyInterfaceB; /* error when I remove rem */


1>midl\oleaut32.dll : error MIDL2020: error generating type library : LayOut failed : IMyInterfaceB (0x800288C6

asked on Stack Overflow Aug 8, 2011 by Rebeka Fox • edited Nov 25, 2014 by VividD

3 Answers


As Hans Passant pointed out I shouldn't pick GUID's, the generator should be used to generate them. Although this wasn't the problem it was similar in nature. I wasn't following a proper ID schema when defining my interfaces as until now it hadn't been important.

I guess I will be rereading the appropriate section in COM Programming w/ Microsoft .NET. I found the reason when I tried out the error look-up tool for the first time, having exposed its existence by turning on Visual Studios Advanced Mode feature.

Lessons Learned :/


answered on Stack Overflow Aug 9, 2011 by Rebeka Fox

You need use different values of id attributes in the base and inherited interfaces.

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 30, 2012 by vpp

User "vpp" was right on with this one. I just experienced this error myself when trying to make a new interface inheriting from another so I could overload one of the methods. I copy and pasted the entire thing from the original interface but didn't change the "id(1)" part to be a new unique number so I was also receiving "error MIDL2020: error generating type library : LayOut failed"

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 14, 2014 by StalePhish

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