I have a webcam which i want to deactive via powershell script. I have the following line:
Get-PnpDevice -FriendlyName 'USB-Videogerät' -Class Camera | Disable-PnpDevice -Confirm:$false
But it only works when no program uses the webcam. Is it even possible to deactive a device even though its used by discord or another program?
Disable-PnpDevice : Allgemeiner Fehler
In C:\Users\Nico\Desktop\Scripts\Webcam\WEBCAM_OFF.ps1:10 Zeichen:72
+ ... me 'USB-Videogerät' -Class Camera | Disable-PnpDevice -Confirm:$false
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Win32_PnPEntity...A&62E8ABC&0...):ROOT\cimv2\Win32_PnPEntity) [Disable-Pn
pDevice], CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x80041001,Disable-PnpDevice
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