Trying to solve an online activity in MIPS


May I ask how do I do this activity? In this activity is write the body of pseudoisr: and then test it.

Perform the following steps. Add the pretend interrupt disabling and enabling instructions at the start and end of pseudoisr as comments; Using $t7 as a pretend kstack pointer, "push" the contents of registers $t0 - $t5 to kstack, this will require you to store the contents of each of these registers to kstack, and then increment the pretend kstack pointer; Set the contents of registers $t0 - $t6 to 0x00000000; Using the registers $t0 - $t6, write a loop to calculate sum of 1 to 100 and store the result in register s1 at the end of the loop. Again, using $t7 as a pretend kstack pointer, "pop" the saved register values off kstack, to restore their contents, do not forget that the pretend kstack pointer must be decremented with each "pop"; Add the jump instruction to returnfrompseudoisr at the end of pseudoisr to return to the location you called from. To test the operation of pseudoisr, we require a jump instruction to pseudoisr, followed a label to return to. These two lines are then inserted into any code, to test the operation of pseudoisr: j pseudoisr returnfrompseudoisr:

asked on Stack Overflow May 10, 2021 by jsiedu

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