I have a problem when calling an OCX method using C#. OCX component is developed in C++.
I get this error:
"System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80020005): Los tipos
no coinciden. (Excepción de HRESULT: 0x80020005
System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName,
BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32[] aWrapperTypes, MessageData&
msgData)\r\n en
nombreFichero, IntPtr contenidoFichero, Int32 LongitudFichero)\r\n
en AxMFCActiveXControl1Lib.AxMFCActiveXControl1.LeoCadena(IntPtr
nombreFichero, IntPtr contenidoFichero, Int32 longitudFichero) en
43\r\n en TestPrinterManager.Form1.button2_Click(Object sender,
EventArgs e) en
C++ signatures are:
*void flushFiles();
LONG LeoCadena(unsigned char * nombreFichero,
unsigned char * contenidoFichero,
int LongitudFichero);*
I have modified the generated visual studio wrapper so that the exported methods are:
IL file:
*void flushFiles()
int32 LeoCadena(native int nombreFichero,
native int contenidoFichero,
int32 LongitudFichero)*
cs file:
*public virtual void flushFiles()
public virtual int LeoCadena(System.IntPtr nombreFichero, System.IntPtr contenidoFichero, int
When I call the method using C#, I used this code:
*string file_xml = @"C:\proyectos\fichero.xml";
string texto_xml;
System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(file_xml);
texto_xml = sr.ReadToEnd();
byte[] arr = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(texto_xml);
int longitud = arr.Length;
IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(byte)) * arr.Length);
Marshal.Copy(arr, 0, ptr, longitud);
axMFCActiveXControl1.LeoCadena(ptr, ptr, longitud);
Do you know why I get this error?
I use 32 bits platform and .Net Framework 4.5.2
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