How can I ignore list members that are null?


I am using Automapper to map models in my web app.

I use this Automapper method:

protected virtual IEnumerable<TDto> Map(IEnumerable<TModel> models)
    return Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<TDto>>(models, MappingOptions);

And I use it in my own method like this:

protected override IList<EngineAssembly> GetChildren(Engine parent)
    return parent.EngineParts;
var parent = Session.Get<TParent>(parentId);
if (parent == null) return NotFound();
var children = GetChildren(parent);
return Ok(Map(children));

The problem is, sometimes the IList of children may contain a null entity. Which causes this error:

Message=Error mapping types.
Source=<Cannot evaluate the exception source>
<Cannot evaluate the exception stack trace>

Inner Exception 1:
ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

But I can't figure out how to weed out any null entities that may be in the list of children.

I return a NotFound message if a parent is null, but is there a way to just ignore null children?


asked on Stack Overflow Apr 29, 2021 by SkyeBoniwell

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