How do I use ctypes.create_string_buffer to pass it as a char * argument for a C function?


I have a C/C++ dll with a function:

int get_camera_info(char * description, char * serial_number, char * manufacturer)

This function takes the arguments and modifies them, so that you could print them. I'm trying to use this DLL from Python by using ctypes. I guess I would need to use ctypes.create_string_buffer to create an empty buffer so that I have a mutable object. But then, how do I do so that I can pass it as an argument and then retrieve the data?

Do I need to use cast(buffer_object, c_char_p_object)? How would this be any different from creating and passing a c_char_p object in the first place? I don't know much about C/C++, but maybe I should be using ctypes.POINTER.

My problem was that after passing a c_char_p type object as an argument I'm getting the error: OSError: exception: access violation reading 0x00000000.

If you need any help trying to understand what my question is, just ask. Or if you think I'm better off using something like cppyy, then I would need help with that too. :)

asked on Stack Overflow Apr 28, 2021 by Eddie Random • edited Apr 28, 2021 by martineau

1 Answer


Here's the basics. Although not strictly required in this case, setting .argtypes and .restype correctly helps ctypes marshal parameters correctly and detect incorrectly passed parameters.

Similar to passing arrays to C functions, create_string_buffer returns an c_char_Array_array_size object, but it is marshaled as a pointer to it's first element (c_char_p) so it agrees with the .argtypes assignment.

Without the .argtypes assignment, passing something incorrect such as an int or a create_unicode_buffer() array would crash or have the wrong result. But defining it correctly would catch those errors and raise an exception.


#include <string.h>

#ifdef _WIN32
#   define API __declspec(dllexport)
#   define API

API int get_camera_info(char * description, char * serial_number, char * manufacturer)
    strcpy(description, "Description");
    strcpy(serial_number, "12345678");
    strcpy(manufacturer, "Manufacturer");
    return 1;

from ctypes import *

MAX_STR = 256  # docs better say how big the buffers are required to be.

# int get_camera_info(char * description, char * serial_number, char * manufacturer)

dll = CDLL('./test')
dll.get_camera_info.argtypes = c_char_p,c_char_p,c_char_p
dll.get_camera_info.restype = c_int

desc = create_string_buffer(MAX_STR)
sn = create_string_buffer(MAX_STR)
mfg = create_string_buffer(MAX_STR)

ret = dll.get_camera_info(desc,sn,mfg)


Description 12345678 Manufacturer

Note that .value returns a byte string at the beginning of the buffer up to the first null byte exclusive. .raw will dump a byte string with every byte of the buffer. .decode() converts a byte string into a Unicode string using UTF-8 as the default encoding.

answered on Stack Overflow Apr 28, 2021 by Mark Tolonen • edited Apr 28, 2021 by Mark Tolonen

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