I try to run 2 Functions when I press the login button, but don't work
I'm use MobX, and here is my code:
Observer(builder: (_) {
return ElevatedButton(
dadosLogin.apertouLogin as void Function()?,
child: dadosLogin.carregando
? SizedBox(
height: altura / 40,
width: largura / 20,
child: CircularProgressIndicator(
strokeWidth: largura / 200,
valueColor: AlwaysStoppedAnimation(
: Text(
style: TextStyle(),
With this code I run only this:
Function? get apertouLogin =>
(loginOK && !carregando && senhaOK) ? logando : null;
But, i'm need this to
Function? get puxandoLogin => (!carregando) ? puxando : null;
onPressed: () {
functionOne as void Function();
functionTwo as void Function();
Don't work
onPressed: () {
functionOne as void Function();
functionTwo as void Function();
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