Looping through word array of addresses in MIPS


I'm having difficulty looping through the addresses in the "instructions" array. For some reason it assembles and prompts me with "Error in path\ca.asm line 87: Runtime exception at 0x00400060: address out of range 0x00000000" and points to the syscall for the print message code. Can anybody explain why?

# Description: Parse MIPS instructions based on opcode and print message

.globl main, print_hex_info #decode_instruction, process_instruction,       # Do not remove this line

# Data for the program goes here
    process: .asciiz "\nNow processing instruction "
    opcode_num: .asciiz "\tThe opcode value is: "
    newLine: .asciiz "\n"

# number of test cases
CASES: .word 5
# array of pointers (addresses) to the instructions
instructions:   .word 0x01095020,       # add $t2, $t0, $t1
                .word 0x1220002C,       # beqz $s1, label
                .word 0x3C011001,       # lw $a0, label($s0)
                .word 0x24020004,       # li $v0, 4
                .word 0x08100002        # j label

inst_0:     .asciiz "\tR-Type Instruction\n"
inst_other: .asciiz "\tUnsupported Instruction\n"
inst_2_3:   .asciiz "\tUnconditional Jump\n"
inst_4_5:   .asciiz "\tConditional Jump\n"

# You may use this array of labels to print the different instructions type messages
inst_types: .word inst_0, inst_other, inst_2_3, inst_2_3, inst_4_5, inst_4_5

# Code goes here
    # Task 1A: Loop over the array of instructions 
    jal print_hex_info

li $s0, 0
#   Set registers and call: print_hex_info
la $a0, instructions
bge $s0, 3, end_main
#   Set registers and call: decode_instruction 

# Print first return value
#   Set registers and call: print_hex_info

# Update branch and index values

j loop_array        # end of loop

    li $v0, 10      # 10 is the exit program syscall
    syscall         # execute call

## Other procedures here

# Print Message based on opcode type
# $a0 - Message to print
# $a1 - Value to print
# Uses $s0: address of string for $a0 (required)
# Uses $s1: value from $a1 (required)
    ##### Begin Save registers to Stack
    subi  $sp, $sp, 36
    sw   $ra, 32($sp)
    sw   $s0, 28($sp)
    sw   $s1, 24($sp)
    sw   $s2, 20($sp)
    sw   $s3, 16($sp)
    sw   $s4, 12($sp)
    sw   $s5, 8($sp)
    sw   $s6, 4($sp)
    sw   $s7, 0($sp)
    ##### End Save registers to Stack

    # Now your function begins here
    move $s0, $a0
    move $s1, $a1
    li $v0, 4               # print message
    move $a0, $s0
    li $v0, 34              # print address in hex value
    move $a0, $s1
    li $v0, 4               # print message
    la $a0, newLine

    ##### Begin Restore registers from Stack
    lw   $ra, 32($sp)
    lw   $s0, 28($sp)
    lw   $s1, 24($sp)
    lw   $s2, 20($sp)
    lw   $s3, 16($sp)
    lw   $s4, 12($sp)
    lw   $s5, 8($sp)
    lw   $s6, 4($sp)
    lw   $s7, 0($sp)
    addi $sp, $sp, 36
    ##### End Restore registers from Stack
    jr $ra

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