I am trying to make my own Operating System. I got interrupts working, some keyboard and mouse drivers, basic video and printing functions. Now I want to get into memory management and tasks and the first thing I realized is that I need paging which I have yet to set up properly.
I followed some guides and tutorials on it, the most primary one being the setting up paging tutorial in osdev wiki (https://wiki.osdev.org/Setting_Up_Paging). I "wrote" (copied and pasted basically) the following code in order to initialize paging.
void initPaging()
unsigned int i;
for(i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
// This sets the following flags to the pages:
// Supervisor: Only kernel-mode can access them
// Write Enabled: It can be both read from and written to
// Not Present: The page table is not present
page_directory[i] = 0x00000002;
//we will fill all 1024 entries in the table, mapping 4 megabytes
for(i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
// As the address is page aligned, it will always leave 12 bits zeroed.
// Those bits are used by the attributes ;)
first_page_table[i] = (i * 0x1000) | 3; // attributes: supervisor level, read/write, present.
page_directory[0] = ((unsigned int)first_page_table) | 3;
The enablePaging
function loads the page directory to cr3 and then enables paging by setting the PG bit in cr0.
The problem is after calling this if I call anything else like a printk it causes a page fault. I think that is because I don't identity page the kernel or something. In my page fault handler, I move the error code to eax and check the registers in qemu monitor. The error code is 0x00000020 which is
0 1 0 - Supervisory process tried to write to a non-present page entry
I cannot call anything else after enabling paging, do I need to map my kernel? How do I do that? What else is wrong?
This is my code on github: https://github.com/Danyy427/PagingOsdev
Edit: Registers after the exception
My exception handler:
void isr14_handler(interrupt_frame_t *frame)
//panic("Page Fault");
unsigned int err = frame->err_code;
//asm(".intel_syntax noprefix");
asm("mov %0, %%eax "::"r"(err));
I commented out panic as it causes a double fault which causes triple fault. I put error code into eax and code hangs which is intended.
I finally got it. My kernel had the following code:
printk("Hello %d", 15) ;
After enabling paging I was trying to print something and realized printk threw a page fault error. I went to printk code and realized that I was accessing 0xFD000000 which is the framebuffer address for QEMU. But I didn't map it so the program was trying to access a unmapped location. I wrote the following code which maps 0xFD000000 to 0x400000 in my initPaging function:
int from = 0x00000000, size = 0x400000, zz = 0;
for(; size>0; from += 4096, size -= 4096, zz++){
first_page_table[zz] = from | 1; // mark page present.
from = 0xFD000000;
size = 0x400000;
zz = 0;
for(; size>0; from += 4096, size -= 4096, zz++){
second_page_table[zz] = from | 1; // mark page present.
vbemode.framebuffer = 0x400000;
page_directory[0] = ((unsigned int)first_page_table) | 3;
page_directory[1] = ((unsigned int)second_page_table) | 3;
The code maps 4 MB worth of memory starting from 0x400000 to 0x800000 (hopefully) of the physcial address 0xFD000000 which enables access to video memory.
Feel free to point out my mistakes in the code.
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