Is there a way to remove the array bounds check in C#
here is what I want to achieve:
public static int F(int[] M, int i)
return M[i]; // I can guarantee that [i] will never be outside of [0, M.Length]
Before this function call I have a logic which already does check for the bounds (with some extra logic into it). The thing I want to remove are following lines:
Program.F(Int32[], Int32)
L0000: sub rsp, 0x28
L0004: cmp edx, [rcx+8] ; I don't need this line
L0007: jae short L0015 ; I don't need this line
L0009: movsxd rax, edx
L000c: mov eax, [rcx+rax*4+0x10]
L0010: add rsp, 0x28
L0014: ret
L0015: call 0x00007ffc8877bc70 ; I don't need this line
L001a: int3 ; I don't need this line
Is there a way of removing those instructions?
public static int G(int[] M, int i)
if (i >= 0 && i < M.Length)
return M[i];
return -1;
this generates:
Program.G(Int32[], Int32)
L0000: sub rsp, 0x28
L0004: test edx, edx
L0006: jl short L001f
L0008: mov eax, [rcx+8]
L000b: cmp eax, edx
L000d: jle short L001f
L000f: cmp edx, eax
L0011: jae short L0029
L0013: movsxd rax, edx
L0016: mov eax, [rcx+rax*4+0x10]
L001a: add rsp, 0x28
L001e: ret
L001f: mov eax, 0xffffffff
L0024: add rsp, 0x28
L0028: ret
L0029: call 0x00007ffc8877bc70
L002e: int3
as you can see it didn't help.
:public static unsafe int H(int* M, int i)
return M[i];
this generates what I was looking for:
Program.H(Int32*, Int32)
L0000: movsxd rax, edx
L0003: mov eax, [rcx+rax*4]
L0006: ret
But I sadly can't enable unsafe for my project. Is there a solution in "non-unsafe" world?
sadly I can't add a comment, no there isn't a way to do that without unsafe (as far as I know) you should probably try fixing the problem that isn't letting you add unsafe
Actually there's the way. Stumbled upon it in csFastFloat repository.
Idea here is to use MemoryMarshall.GetArrayDataReference to get reference to first item in array and then add shift to get actual value:
static T FastAccessValue<T>(T[] ar, int index)
ref T tableRef = ref MemoryMarshal.GetArrayDataReference(ar);
return Unsafe.Add(ref tableRef, (nint)index);
which is safe(?) equivalent of unsafe version
static unsafe T FastAccessValueUnsafe<T>(T[] ar, int index) where T : unmanaged
fixed(T* ptr = ar)
return ptr[index];
without limitation to only unmanaged
With unsafe access it's even performs 10% faster on large data (over million items)
public int SumUnsafe(int[] ints, int length)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
sum += FastAccessValue(ints, i);
return sum;
public int SumDirect(int[] ints, int length)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ints.Length; i++)
sum += ints[i];
return sum;
Method | ints | length | Mean | Error | StdDev | Code Size |
SumDirect | Int32[100000] | 100000 | 80.13 μs | 0.748 μs | 0.700 μs | 29 B |
SumUnsafe | Int32[100000] | 100000 | 81.99 μs | 0.535 μs | 0.446 μs | 33 B |
SumDirect | Int32[1000000] | 1000000 | 854.73 μs | 5.216 μs | 4.624 μs | 29 B |
SumUnsafe | Int32[1000000] | 1000000 | 795.10 μs | 2.680 μs | 2.238 μs | 33 B |
SumDirect | Int32[10000000] | 10000000 | 10,104.72 μs | 27.199 μs | 22.712 μs | 29 B |
SumUnsafe | Int32[10000000] | 10000000 | 9,126.06 μs | 30.329 μs | 26.886 μs | 33 B |
Benchmark located in this gist
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