How to search value in memory


i am developing desktop app (memory scanner). the core of the app is kernel driver and dll who communicate with each other. in my kernel driver i use all the low level function of Nt and Zw undocumented Functions

i success to get from random process:

  • all the modules (name,address,size) - static memory
  • all the stack thread (base,limit) - stack memory
  • all the virtual memory of the process from address 0x1000 to address 0x7fffffff - virtual memory
  • working on how to get process heaps address.

stack problem: when i compere the stack data to the program VmMap i see that i get only the 64bit stack threads, why?

when i try to search value in all the address i get its take maybe 10-15 min and then i get maybe 5 results that equle to the value i search.

i dont understand why i can find (health value) is need to be in the virtual memory an i have all the virtual memory of a process in the computer not only virtual memory of modules

i think that i need to get maybe 10,000 results

here i share parts of the code maybe it will help you to understand more.

get stack addresses code:

NTSTATUS res = ZwOpenThread(&hThread, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &ObjectAttributes, &st->ClientId);

    if (!NT_SUCCESS(res)) {
        ExFreePool(qmemptr); // free memory
        ExFreePool(StackAreaList); // free memory

    durum = ZwQueryInformationThread(hThread, ThreadBasicInformation, &info, sizeof(THREAD_BASIC_INFORMATION), NULL);

    if (!NT_SUCCESS(durum)) {
        DbgPrintEx(0, 0, "durum: %#010x", durum);
        ExFreePool(qmemptr); // free memory
        ExFreePool(StackAreaList); // free memory

    if (NT_SUCCESS(PsLookupProcessByProcessId((HANDLE)process_id, &process))) {
        if (NT_SUCCESS(MmCpy(process, (PVOID)info.TebBaseAddress, PsGetCurrentProcess(), &tib, sizeof(NT_TIB)))) {
            //DbgPrintEx(0, 0, "StackLimit: %#010x to StackBase: %#010x \n", tib.StackLimit, tib.StackBase);

            tempStackArea = { 0 };
            tempStackArea.Base = (uintptr_t)tib.StackBase;
            tempStackArea.Limit = (uintptr_t)tib.StackLimit;
            memcpy((PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)StackAreaList + (i * sizeof(StackArea))), &tempStackArea, sizeof(StackArea));

get virtual memory addresses

HANDLE handle;
res = ZwOpenProcess(&handle, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &ObjectAttributes, &st->ClientId);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(res)) {
    DbgPrintEx(0, 0, "fail to open process res: %#010x.\n", res);
uintptr_t len = 0x7FFFFFFF;

ULONG index2 = 0;
for (uintptr_t i = 0x1000; i < len;)
    res = ZwQueryVirtualMemory(handle, (PVOID)i, MemoryBasicInformation, &mbi, sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION), &bytes);
    if (!NT_SUCCESS(res)) {
        DbgPrintEx(0, 0, "fail to load mbi res: %#010x.\n", res);
    //DbgPrintEx(0, 0, "Address: %#014x.\n", mbi.BaseAddress);

    SM_VM tempVm = { 0 };
    tempVm.Address = i;
    tempVm.Type = mbi.Type;
    tempVm.State = mbi.State;
    tempVm.Protect = mbi.Protect;
    tempVm.Size = mbi.RegionSize;
    tempVm.AllocationBase = (uintptr_t)mbi.AllocationBase;

    if (mbi.State == MEM_COMMIT && ((mbi.Protect & PAGE_GUARD) == 0) && ((mbi.Protect == PAGE_NOACCESS) == 0)) {
        auto isWritable = ((mbi.Protect & PAGE_READWRITE) != 0 || (mbi.Protect & PAGE_WRITECOPY) != 0 || (mbi.Protect & PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE) != 0 || (mbi.Protect & PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY) != 0);
        if (isWritable) {
            memcpy((PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)VMList + (index2 * sizeof(SM_VM))), &tempVm, sizeof(SM_VM));

    index2 = index2 + 1;
    i += mbi.RegionSize;

this is the code from the application of how to find value in address range

            int len = bytess.Length;
            byte[] temp4Bytes = new byte[4];
            var base_address = baseAddress;
            Record temp_record;
            List<Record> record_list = new List<Record>();
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                temp_record = new Record();
                temp_record.Name = name;
                temp_record.Address = base_address + i;
                temp_record.Offset = i;
                //  base+0    00 00 00 00
                //  base+4    00 01 02 03
                //  base+8    04 05 06 07
                //  base+c    ...
                //  00 00 00 00

                if (i + 3 == len - 1) break;
                temp4Bytes[0] = bytess[i];
                temp4Bytes[1] = bytess[i + 1];
                temp4Bytes[2] = bytess[i + 2];
                temp4Bytes[3] = bytess[i + 3];
                temp_record.Value = Smkd.ByteArrayToStruct<Int32>(temp4Bytes);

                if (temp_record.Value == _4bit_value)
            return record_list;
asked on Stack Overflow Mar 17, 2021 by doronazu

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