Synapse Analytics Server less Pool >> Every day morning gives problem in reading data from External Table


This is on Synapse Analytics Server less Pool >> Every day morning gives problem in reading data from External Table.

I have a external table created on Synapse Analytics Pool and every day morning - for the first time , when I do a select * from external table - it says "Access check for 'READ' operation again '' failed with HRESULT = ;0x80070005'

then once I run the select OPENROWSET command and try to run the same query again ( select top 5 * from external table ) - it works fine.

I am wondering - what may be causing this issue. Once I move to production - what if , the same issue occurs every day ? ( I mean - I can think of creating a stored proc or something to run the OPENROWSET command everyday - but wondering, is there anything else causing this issue ?)

Note - I have seen this behavior for last 4 days and since its being reproducible almost everyday - thought of seeking any inputs on this.

Have tried explaining the same with snapshots below. Thanks !!!

enter image description here

asked on Stack Overflow Mar 12, 2021 by Aravind • edited Mar 12, 2021 by Aravind

1 Answer


Log out and Login back to the SSMS instance made the trick to resolve this issue. One of the Microsoft team member - helped us to get the root cause as "this is caused by the expired AAD token in SSMS" + "Please make sure that you are reconnected when using SSMS/ADS if you are leaving it more than an hour."

answered on Stack Overflow Mar 13, 2021 by Aravind

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