rvest returs schannel: SNI or certificate check failed: SEC_E_WRONG_PRINCIPAL (0x80090322) - The target principal name is incorrect


I would like to webscrape the following page to have a dataframe with the list of names and emails. However the following code return the following error after read_html Error in open.connection(x, "rb") : schannel: SNI or certificate check failed: SEC_E_WRONG_PRINCIPAL (0x80090322) - The target principal name is incorrect.

b<- r %>%
  html_nodes('td') %>%
b<-gsub("  ", "", b)
b<-gsub('\n\n\n\n\n\n', '_', b, fixed = T)
b<-gsub('\n', '', b, fixed = T)
w<-which(grepl('@', b))
d<-data.frame(matrix(b, ncol=w[1], byrow=T),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
d<-data.frame(people_name=d$X1, people_links=NA, emails=d[,w[1]], university="LMU Munich" )

P.S. When I go on the website from my browser it says that the connection is not safe

asked on Stack Overflow Feb 20, 2021 by Giulia • edited Feb 20, 2021 by barny

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