I'm facing a problem trying to map a 32bit COM DLL (wrote in OLD C++) method using 64bit Java.
The COM DLL expose this method (I check this using OLEViewer):
void Login(
[out] int* ResultCode,
[out] BSTR* Result,
[in] BSTR App,
[in, out] BSTR* User,
[in] BSTR Module,
[in] BSTR Password,
[out] BSTR* Permissions,
[out] BSTR* Data1,
[out] BSTR* Data2,
[out] BSTR* Data3,
[out] BSTR* Data4,
[out] BSTR* Data5,
[out] int* UserLevel,
[out] int* ExpirationDays,
[in] int Authentication);
I was succesfully mapped 'Result' param as BSTRByReference, I run the method and receive in that param the value modified by Login, but I'm not able to map the 'ResultCode' param (or any other [out] int*), it always remains in NULL value.
I tried using IntByReference (type mismatch error), ShortByReference, byte, etc. with no luck.
The creepy part is that DLL is 32bits and I followed these steps to be able to load it in Java using JNA:
Is it possible to load a 32bits DLL in 64bits Java without any consequence, or maybe that's why I'm having troubles with the mapping?
Thanks in advance.
* method Login
* <p>id(0x3)</p>
* <p>vtableId(9)</p>
* @param ResultCode [out] {@code Integer}
* @param Result [out] {@code String}
* @param App [in] {@code String}
* @param User [inout] {@code String}
* @param Module [in] {@code String}
* @param Password [in] {@code String}
* @param Permissions [out] {@code String}
* @param Data1 [out] {@code String}
* @param Data2 [out] {@code String}
* @param Data3 [out] {@code String}
* @param Data4 [out] {@code String}
* @param Data5 [out] {@code String}
* @param UserLevel [out] {@code Integer}
* @param ExpirationDays [out] {@code Integer}
* @param Authentication [in] {@code Integer}
@ComMethod(name = "Login", dispId = 0x3)
void Login(VARIANT ResultCode,
BSTRByReference Result,
String App,
String User,
String Module,
String Password,
VARIANT Permissions,
VARIANT UserLevel,
VARIANT ExpirationDays,
Integer Authentication);
That is the JAVA class that TlbCodeGenerator creates from COM DLL. As you can see, ResultCode is detected as VARIANT. I tried using VARIANT.ByReference and didnt work, also tried with ShortByReference, Pointer, short[], ByteByReference, byte, etc.
Factory factory = new Factory();
Security isec = factory.createObject(Security.class);
BSTR bstr_tmp = OleAuto.INSTANCE.SysAllocString("");
BSTRByReference res = new BSTRByReference(bstr_tmp);
ShortByReference res_code2 = new ShortByReference();
// I left these fields as VARIANT because I'm not using them in test
VARIANT.ByReference permisos = new VARIANT.ByReference();
VARIANT.ByReference data1 = new VARIANT.ByReference();
VARIANT.ByReference data2 = new VARIANT.ByReference();
VARIANT.ByReference data3 = new VARIANT.ByReference();
VARIANT.ByReference data4 = new VARIANT.ByReference();
VARIANT.ByReference data5 = new VARIANT.ByReference();
VARIANT.ByReference nivel = new VARIANT.ByReference();
VARIANT.ByReference exp = new VARIANT.ByReference();
isec.Login(res_code2, res, "XXXX", "UUUUU", "SSSS", "PPPPP", permisos, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, nivel, exp, 2);
After isec.Login() call I have 'res' variable filled with a result text (i.e.: "OK.", "ERROR XXX", etc.) and 'res_code2' is 0 (I should have a result code in 'res_code2' like 0x70d1)
OLE Method:
[id(0x00000001), helpstring("method Connect")]
HRESULT Connect(
[out] int* ResultCode,
[out] BSTR* Result,
[in] BSTR Host,
[in] short Port);
JAVA Class:
* method Connect
* <p>id(0x1)</p>
* <p>vtableId(7)</p>
* @param ResultCode [out] {@code Integer}
* @param Result [out] {@code String}
* @param Host [in] {@code String}
* @param Port [in] {@code Short}
@ComMethod(name = "Connect", dispId = 0x1)
void Connect(ShortByReference ResultCode,
BSTRByReference Result,
BSTR Host,
Short Port);
Factory factory = new Factory();
Security isec = factory.createObject(Security.class);
ShortByReference res_code = new ShortByReference();
BSTR res_bstr = OleAuto.INSTANCE.SysAllocString("");
BSTRByReference res = new BSTRByReference(res_bstr);
BSTR host = OleAuto.INSTANCE.SysAllocString("XXX.XX.XXX.184");
Short port = 5000;
isec.Connect(res_code, res, host, port);
// Here I can see that the connect() works fine, but I did not receive
// the res_code value
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