TinyGet not working after enforcing TLS 1.2


We use TinyGet.exe to hit certain URLs in a web application at scheduled times. I am setting up a new environment and this time I have disabled TLS 1.1 and older based on recommendations from ssllabs.com.

So right now it's just TLS 1.2 that is permitted by our IIS instance.

When using a command like this we are getting errors...

tinyget -srv:myapplicationurl.app -uri:/Scheduler/ProcessQueue -s:4

ERROR: 0x80090331 : [slib]: Could not AcquireCredentialsHandle
ERROR: 0x80090331 : Failed to AcquireCredentials()

My gut is telling me it is probably because TLS 1.2 is not supported by TinyGet. Can someone confirm this and if so maybe offer an alternative approach?

asked on Stack Overflow Jan 17, 2021 by Tommy Sharp

1 Answer


All my investigation tells me that TLS 1.2 or greater is not supported by the Tinyget utility.

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 25, 2021 by Tommy Sharp

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