After years of finding answers here, this case I could not find anything so I post question about here
I try to get the transparency level of some window using GetLayeredWindowAttributes
function in Win32 API.
In C++/C, to get the transparency level I use the following code:
BYTE alpha;
if (GetLayeredWindowAttributes(target_hwnd, nullptr, &alpha, &flags))
// Here I got the value inside alpha variable
In Java + JNA, I did not found any straightforward example. But I think that I come with something that should work. Here is what I did in Java:
ByteByReference alpha = new ByteByReference();
if (User32.INSTANCE.GetLayeredWindowAttributes(windowHwnd,null,alpha,new IntByReference((byte) 0x00000002))) {
// Here I got the transparency in alpha.getValue()
The issue is that for some reason, the java code will return -27
while the C++ code will return for the same window 229
that is the correct value.
I noticed that when the transparency is 255
, both codes (Java and C++) will return 255
but for some reason, the Java code is return wrong values and I don't know why.
Any idea what I am doing wrong and how to fix it?
I still have no idea why it happens but I figure out a workaround how to fix the returned value
public static int getWindowTransparency(WinDef.HWND windowHwnd) {
ByteByReference alpha = new ByteByReference();
// According to my tests, this API call will return false when the transparency is 255 (This is unlike when using it from C)
// so we just assume it as 255 and return 255
if (!User32.INSTANCE.GetLayeredWindowAttributes(windowHwnd, null, alpha, new IntByReference((byte) 0x00000002)))
return 255;
int transparency = alpha.getValue();
// Here we fix some strange behavior that the value may be negative.
// This will fix it and make sure it between 0 and 255
if (transparency < 0)
transparency = 128 + (128 - Math.abs(transparency));
return transparency;
If this is wrong please let me know and I will update the answer. Thanks.
I tested it and compared the results with the C++ version and it seems to return the correct value all the time.
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