Entity Framework tries to create database on production server while it already exists


I have developed a an Api web Application which users entity framework as an ORM. Recently our production server has changed and we moved our application. we have already restored the database on server and set the connection string Integrated Security to false. we have provided the username and password that we were given. but when we try to call one of our Api's application encounters following error :

CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'.

I have searched for this problem but none of the solutions were practical for me. the solutions were :

  1. Change Integrated Security to false and user sql authentication. (I'm already doing that)
  2. give dbcreator and sysadmin to the user. (We don't have access to that on production server)

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