I'm writing a small tool, it can play audio file in the command/terminal
like sox. I'm using bass.dll
and Golang syscall
for Windows.
Here is my code, files can downloaded from comments, only run on Windows X64.
package main
import (
基于 [bass.dll](http://us2.un4seen.com/files/bass24.zip)
和 [Golang syscall](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/WindowsDLLs)
type BassLib struct {
libBass syscall.Handle
init uintptr
free uintptr
streamCreateFile uintptr
channelPlay uintptr
channelPause uintptr
channelStop uintptr
func (bass *BassLib) LoadBass(bassDllPath string) bool {
bass.libBass, _ = syscall.LoadLibrary(bassDllPath)
if bass.libBass == 0 {
fmt.Println("load library result")
return false
bass.init, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(bass.libBass, "BASS_Init")
// BASS_init(device, freq, flags, win, clsid)
// see http://www.un4seen.com/doc/#bass/BASS_Init.html
device := 1
syscall.Syscall6(bass.init, 5, uintptr(device), uintptr(44100), uintptr(0), uintptr(0), uintptr(0), 0)
return true
func StrPtr(s string) uintptr {
// return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(s)))
p, _ := syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(s)
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p))
func (bass *BassLib) PlayFile(filePath string) {
bass.streamCreateFile, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(bass.libBass, "BASS_StreamCreateFile")
// hstream = BASS_StreamCreateFile(mem=0, &file, offset=0, length=0, flags=(A_IsUnicode ? 0x80000000 : 0x40000))
// see http://www.un4seen.com/doc/#bass/BASS_StreamCreateFile.html
var bassUnicode uint32 = 0x80000000
hstream, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(bass.streamCreateFile, 5, uintptr(0), StrPtr(filePath), uintptr(0), uintptr(0), uintptr(bassUnicode), 0)
// bassErrorGetCode, _ := syscall.GetProcAddress(bass.libBass, "BASS_ErrorGetCode")
// errCode, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(uintptr(bassErrorGetCode), 0, 0, 0, 0)
// fmt.Println(errCode)
bass.channelPlay, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(bass.libBass, "BASS_ChannelPlay")
// BASS_ChannelPlay(hstream)
// see http://www.un4seen.com/doc/#bass/BASS_ChannelPlay.html
ret, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(bass.channelPlay, 2, hstream, uintptr(0), 0)
bassErrorGetCode, _ := syscall.GetProcAddress(bass.libBass, "BASS_ErrorGetCode")
errCode, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(bassErrorGetCode, 0, 0, 0, 0)
// sleep to wait playing mp3 file
time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
// bass.channelPause, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(bass.libBass, "BASS_ChannelPause")
// bass.channelStop, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(bass.libBass, "BASS_ChannelStop")
// return true
func (bass *BassLib) UnLoad() {
if bass.libBass != 0 {
bass.free, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(bass.libBass, "BASS_Free")
syscall.Syscall(bass.free, 0, 0, 0, 0)
// BASS_Free()
// see http://www.un4seen.com/doc/#bass/BASS_Free.html
func main() {
bass := &BassLib{}
There is a big problem:
code (bass.go
line 68) not added , no sound played with quickly quit out.time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
code, maybe the audio duration more than 10 seconds.Is there any possibility that make the program automatically exit after audio played over?
I think you can use defer
keyword of golang to trigger an exit when play function have done.
You can refer here: A Tour of Go | Defer Or here: Golang Blog | Defer
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
defer fmt.Println("world")
$ go run main.go
I would strongly recommend going through Effective Go on the golang.org website (it's not a long read, I am sure you can go through all the ideas in a single day), paying special attention to the concurrency section.
The whole idea behind Go is to make concurrency and asynchronous programming easy, and it uses several language constructs (channels, goroutines) especially designed to help you handle these cases.
For example, you can use a channel to signal:
func main() {
// end signal
finished := make(chan bool)
// create and run a goroutine
go func() {
// do your bass stuff here
// send a signal
finished <- true
// wait
A common pattern is also to pass the channel to the function doing the job:
func main() {
// end signal
finished := make(chan bool)
// PlayFile is responsible for
// signalling 'finished' when done
go PlayFile(someFile, finished);
// wait
Or, if you have multiple routines, you will use a WaitGroup
func main() {
// create the waitgroup
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// number of semaphores
go func() {
// notify WaitGroup when done
// (the 'defer' keyword means
// this call will be executed before
// returning from the method)
defer wg.Done()
// do your bass stuff here
Thanks everyone. Can solve the problem with BASS_ChannelGetLength
and BASS_ChannelGetPosition
Here is the code:
// +build windows
package main
import (
基于 [bass.dll](http://us2.un4seen.com/files/bass24.zip)
和 [Golang syscall](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/WindowsDLLs)
type (
BASSErrorGetCode int32
const (
BassUnicode uint32 = 0x80000000 // BASS_UNICODE
BassSampleFloat uint32 = 256 // BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT
BassPosByte uint64 = 0 // BASS_POS_BYTE
type BassLib struct {
libBass syscall.Handle
init uintptr
free uintptr
streamCreateFile uintptr
channelPlay uintptr
channelPause uintptr
channelStop uintptr
channelGetLength uintptr
channelGetPosition uintptr
channelBytes2Seconds uintptr
func (bass *BassLib) LoadBass(bassDllPath string) bool {
bass.libBass, _ = syscall.LoadLibrary(bassDllPath)
if bass.libBass == 0 {
fmt.Println("Load `bass.dll` library failed!")
errCode := bass.GetBassErrorGetCode()
fmt.Println("Bass_Init failed!")
return false
bass.init, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(bass.libBass, "BASS_Init")
// BASS_Init(device, freq, flags, win, clsid)
// see http://www.un4seen.com/doc/#bass/BASS_Init.html
device := 1
r, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(bass.init, 5, uintptr(device), uintptr(44100), uintptr(0), uintptr(0), uintptr(0), 0)
// var ret = *(* int)(unsafe.Pointer(&r))
if r == 0 {
errCode := bass.GetBassErrorGetCode()
fmt.Println("Bass_Init failed!")
return false
return true
func StrPtr(s string) uintptr {
p, _ := syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(s)
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p))
func (bass *BassLib) PlayFile(filePath string) {
bass.streamCreateFile, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(bass.libBass, "BASS_StreamCreateFile")
// hStream = BASS_StreamCreateFile(mem=0, &file, offset=0, length=0, flags=(A_IsUnicode ? 0x80000000 : 0x40000))
// see http://www.un4seen.com/doc/#bass/BASS_StreamCreateFile.html
hStream, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(bass.streamCreateFile, 5, uintptr(0), StrPtr(filePath), uintptr(0), uintptr(0), uintptr(BassUnicode|BassSampleFloat), 0)
bass.channelPlay, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(bass.libBass, "BASS_ChannelPlay")
// BASS_ChannelPlay(hStream)
// see http://www.un4seen.com/doc/#bass/BASS_ChannelPlay.html
r, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(bass.channelPlay, 2, hStream, uintptr(0), 0)
if r == 1 {
totalDuration := bass.GetAudioByteLength(hStream)
// currentPos := bass.GetAudioCurrentBytePosition(hStream)
// fmt.Println(currentPos)
for {
currentPos := bass.GetAudioCurrentBytePosition(hStream)
if currentPos >= totalDuration {
} else {
errCode := bass.GetBassErrorGetCode()
fmt.Println("Bass_ChannelPlay failed!")
func (bass *BassLib) GetBassErrorGetCode() BASSErrorGetCode {
bassErrorGetCode, _ := syscall.GetProcAddress(bass.libBass, "BASS_ErrorGetCode")
// BASS_ErrorGetCode()
// BASS_OK BASSErrorGetCode = 0 // all is OK
// BASS_ERROR_MEM BASSErrorGetCode = 1 // memory error
// ...
// see http://www.un4seen.com/doc/#bass/BASS_ErrorGetCode.html
errCode, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(bassErrorGetCode, 0, 0, 0, 0)
var iErrCode = *(*BASSErrorGetCode)(unsafe.Pointer(&errCode))
return iErrCode
func (bass *BassLib) GetAudioByteLength(handle uintptr) uintptr {
// (QWORD) BASS_ChannelGetLength(handle=hStream, mode)
// see http://www.un4seen.com/doc/#bass/BASS_ChannelGetLength.html
bass.channelGetLength, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(bass.libBass, "BASS_ChannelGetLength")
len, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(bass.channelGetLength, 2, handle, uintptr(BassPosByte), 0)
return len
func (bass *BassLib) GetAudioCurrentBytePosition(handle uintptr) uintptr {
// BASS_ChannelGetPosition(handle=hStream, mode)
// see http://www.un4seen.com/doc/#bass/BASS_ChannelGetPosition.html
bass.channelGetPosition, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(bass.libBass, "BASS_ChannelGetPosition")
pos, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(bass.channelGetPosition, 2, handle, uintptr(BassPosByte), 0)
return pos
func (bass *BassLib) GetChannelBytes2Seconds(handle uintptr, pos uintptr) uintptr {
// BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(handle=hStream, pos)
// see http://www.un4seen.com/doc/#bass/BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds.html
// bass.channelBytes2Seconds, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(bass.libBass, "BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds")
len, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(bass.channelBytes2Seconds, 2, handle, pos, 0)
return len
func (bass *BassLib) UnLoad() {
if bass.libBass != 0 {
bass.free, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(bass.libBass, "BASS_Free")
syscall.Syscall(bass.free, 0, 0, 0, 0)
// BASS_Free()
// see http://www.un4seen.com/doc/#bass/BASS_Free.html
func main() {
bass := &BassLib{}
Also you can get at https://gist.github.com/ycrao/e7d1df181f870091b4a6d298d6ea2770#file-bass_play-go-L81-L91 .
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