I already have the option to read the target file using JUCE or using the code below. But I also need to be able to read the command line parameters. Something I couldn't figure out yet. I tried the LibLnk library but couldn't find any example on how to actually use it. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
String ReadLnkFile(const String strFullLinkFileName)
// How to read the target's path from a .lnk-file:
// Problem:
// The COM interface to shell32.dll IShellLink::GetPath() fails!
// Solution:
// We need to parse the file manually. The path can be found like shown
// here, if the shell item id list is present. In case it is not present
// we have to assume A = -6, but not to parse/decode byte 76 and 77.
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// | Index | Description |
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// | 0 | 'L' (magic value) |
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// | ... | ... |
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// | 76 | A_0 |
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// | 77 | A_1 (16 bit) [w/o shell item id list: A = -6] |
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// | ... | ... |
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// | 78 + 16 + A | B_0 |
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// | 78 + 16 + A + 1 | B_1 |
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// | 78 + 16 + A + 2 | B_2 |
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// | 78 + 16 + A + 3 | B_3 (32 bit) |
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// | ... | ... |
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// | 78 + A + B | PATH_STR_0 |
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// | 78 + A + B + 1 | PATH_STR_1 |
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// | 78 + A + B + 2 | PATH_STR_2 |
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// | ... | ... |
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// | ... | 0x00 |
// +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
// Get the .lnk-file content:
FILE* pFile = fopen(strFullLinkFileName.toRawUTF8(), "rb");
if (!pFile)
return string("");
vector<unsigned char> vectBuffer;
unsigned char byte = '?';
while ((byte = (unsigned char)fgetc(pFile)) != (unsigned char)EOF)
// Check the magic value (first byte) and the GUID (16 byte from 5th byte):
// The GUID is telling the version of the .lnk-file format. We expect the
// following GUID (HEX): 01 14 02 00 00 00 00 00 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 46.
if (vectBuffer.size() < 20)
return string("");
if (vectBuffer[0] != (unsigned char) 'L') //test the magic value
return string("");
if ((vectBuffer[4] != 0x01) || //test the GUID
(vectBuffer[5] != 0x14) ||
(vectBuffer[6] != 0x02) ||
(vectBuffer[7] != 0x00) ||
(vectBuffer[8] != 0x00) ||
(vectBuffer[9] != 0x00) ||
(vectBuffer[10] != 0x00) ||
(vectBuffer[11] != 0x00) ||
(vectBuffer[12] != 0xC0) ||
(vectBuffer[13] != 0x00) ||
(vectBuffer[14] != 0x00) ||
(vectBuffer[15] != 0x00) ||
(vectBuffer[16] != 0x00) ||
(vectBuffer[17] != 0x00) ||
(vectBuffer[18] != 0x00) ||
(vectBuffer[19] != 0x46))
return string("");
// Get the flags (4 byte from 21st byte):
// Check if it points to a file or directory!
// Flags (4 byte little endian):
// Bit 0 -> has shell item id list
// Bit 1 -> points to file or directory
// Bit 2 -> has description
// Bit 3 -> has relative path
// Bit 4 -> has working directory
// Bit 5 -> has commandline arguments
// Bit 6 -> has custom icon
unsigned int i = 20;
if (vectBuffer.size() < (i + 4))
return string("");
unsigned int dwFlags = (unsigned int)vectBuffer[i]; //little endian format
dwFlags |= (((unsigned int)vectBuffer[++i]) << 8);
dwFlags |= (((unsigned int)vectBuffer[++i]) << 16);
dwFlags |= (((unsigned int)vectBuffer[++i]) << 24);
bool bHasShellItemIdList = (dwFlags & 0x00000001) ? true : false;
bool bPointsToFileOrDir = (dwFlags & 0x00000002) ? true : false;
if (!bPointsToFileOrDir)
return string("");
// Shell item id list (starts at 76 with 2 byte length -> so we can skip):
int32 A = -6;
if (bHasShellItemIdList)
i = 76;
if (vectBuffer.size() < (i + 2))
return string("");
A = (unsigned char)vectBuffer[i]; //little endian format
A |= (((unsigned char)vectBuffer[++i]) << 8);
// File location info:
// Follows the shell item id list and starts with 4 byte structure length,
// followed by 4 byte offset for skipping.
i = 78 + 4 + A;
if (vectBuffer.size() < (i + 4))
return string("");
unsigned int B = (unsigned int)vectBuffer[i]; //little endian format
B |= (((unsigned int)vectBuffer[++i]) << 8);
B |= (((unsigned int)vectBuffer[++i]) << 16);
B |= (((unsigned int)vectBuffer[++i]) << 24);
// Local volume table:
// Follows the file location info and starts with 4 byte table length for
// skipping the actual table and moving to the local path string.
i = 78 + A + B;
if (vectBuffer.size() < (i + 4))
return string("");
unsigned int C = (unsigned int)vectBuffer[i]; //little endian format
C |= (((unsigned int)vectBuffer[++i]) << 8);
C |= (((unsigned int)vectBuffer[++i]) << 16);
C |= (((unsigned int)vectBuffer[++i]) << 24);
// Local path string (ending with 0x00):
i = 78 + A + B + C;
if (vectBuffer.size() < (i + 1))
return string("");
string strLinkedTarget = "";
for (; i < vectBuffer.size(); ++i)
strLinkedTarget.append(1, (char)vectBuffer[i]);
if (!vectBuffer[i])
//Return if empty:
if (strLinkedTarget.empty())
return string("");
// Convert the target path into the long format (format without ~):
// GetLongPathNameA() fails it the target file doesn't exist!
char* szLinkedTargetLongFormat = new char[MAX_PATH + 1];
if (!szLinkedTargetLongFormat)
return string("");
if (!::GetLongPathNameA(
return strLinkedTarget; //file doesn't exist
string strLinkedTargetLongFormat(szLinkedTargetLongFormat);
delete[] szLinkedTargetLongFormat;
return String(strLinkedTargetLongFormat);
So I ended up using the parser above as it is, the .exe file itself.
String appArguments;
ChildProcess checkLink;
String checkLinkCommand = "\"" + parent->workPath + "Launcher/App/lnk_parser_cmd.exe\" \"" + appPath + "\"";
if (checkLink.start(checkLinkCommand))
StringArray theoutput = StringArray::fromLines(checkLink.readAllProcessOutput());
for (int xx = 0; xx < theoutput.size(); xx++)
if (theoutput[xx].substring(0, 9).contains("Arguments"))
String appArg2 = theoutput[xx].fromFirstOccurrenceOf(":", false, false);
for (int ww = 0; ww < appArg2.length(); ww++)
if (appArg2[ww] != ' ' && appArg2[ww] != 9)
appArguments = "<" + appArg2.substring(ww);
WMessageBox("Error checking linked file!", checkLinkCommand);
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