stm32f app is not working from bootloader


i'm checking the memory layout of stm32f4 between bootloader and app

bootloader is non-os program but, app is including the rtos (cmsis v1, rtx)

the bootloader has a memory area below flash : 0x0800 0000 ~ 0x0801 FFFF stack : 0x0000 1000 (start up code) heap : 0x0000 1000 (start up code)

the app has a memory area bleow flash : 0x0802 0000 ~ end sector stack : 0x0000 1000 (start up code) heap : 0x0000 5000 (start up code)

when the bootloader attemps to jump to app, the app is not working properly in some cases

so, after the original binary had downloaded with bootloader, i compared the both of bin file using hxd tool

the result is fine (100% matched)

even though i found the os_error() with stack overflow when the app started

i don't know why this error occured..

so my question is ...

how to debug this situation? (i have disabled interrupt using register (RCC->CIR = 0x00000000;))

why stack overflow occured? (i 've increased stack size in start up code)

does the stack and heap size of start up code need to same? (but i don't think so)

i hope some opinions ..

thanks for reading my question.

asked on Stack Overflow Dec 9, 2020 by 박동진

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