event declaration and FieldOffsetAttribute using


i have a CLR class which uses the Attribute StructLayout attribte:

public ref class Matrix4 : System::ComponentModel::INotifyPropertyChanged

All fields make use of the FieldOffset attribute. Now i need to add an event, in particular i want to implment the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and hence i need the

virtual event System::ComponentModel::PropertyChangedEventHandler^ PropertyChanged;

event. The compiler tells me I need to assign the FieldOffset attribute to this event, but after doing that the compiler throws the error message:

Error   34  error C1093: API call 'DefineCustomAttribute' failed '0x801311c0'

I am not allowed to chage StructLayout to Sequential so how do i solve this issue?

Any help would be appreciated,

Best, apo.

SOLVED by separating:

    System::ComponentModel::PropertyChangedEventHandler^ _pc;

    virtual event System::ComponentModel::PropertyChangedEventHandler^ PropertyChanged
        void add(System::ComponentModel::PropertyChangedEventHandler^ p) 
            _pc += p;
        void remove(System::ComponentModel::PropertyChangedEventHandler^ p) 
            _pc -= p;
        void raise(Object ^sender, System::ComponentModel::PropertyChangedEventArgs ^ args) 
            _pc->Invoke(sender, args);
    void OnPropertyChanged(String^ info)
        PropertyChanged(this, gcnew System::ComponentModel::PropertyChangedEventArgs(info));
asked on Stack Overflow Jun 28, 2011 by user819068 • edited Jun 28, 2011 by user819068

1 Answer


Does the attribute you've added apply to the event? or to the field? I'm not a C++ guru, but that looks like a C++ implementation of a "field-like event". The [FieldOffset] attribute only applies to the backing field - not the event. In C#, you would target the field via:

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

so: make sure you are targetting the field. I can't advise on the C++ syntax for that, though. Maybe there isn't one and you need to use an explicit event implementation with a field you add yourself (and can then decorate).

This is supported by a quick search that shows that error number linked to:

failed '0x801311c0'

Description: The custom attribute is not valid for the target object's type.

which is exactly what I would expect to see if targeting the event rather than the field.

As an aside - events on structs are tricky beasts...

answered on Stack Overflow Jun 28, 2011 by Marc Gravell

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