Why I get different result with same code?


I wrote some dart code follow js code and there is a problem , hope someone can help me/

js code:

var max = 0x80000000;
var data = -2000;
var mod = data % max;

the mod value is -2000

Dart code :

var max = 0x80000000;
var data = -2000;
var mod = data % max;

the mod value is 2147481648


asked on Stack Overflow Nov 19, 2020 by 老杂种

2 Answers


Because JavaScript and Dart are different languages with different operator specifications.

Dart specifies that the remainder operation result is always positive:


In JavaScript the remainder can be negative, the sign of the result equals the sign of the dividend:


answered on Stack Overflow Nov 19, 2020 by Patrick

Dart has two "modulo" operators on integers, % (aka. modulo) and remainder.

They differ for negative operands in whether the result takes the sign of the dividend or the divisor. For positive operands the two agree.


void main() {
  for (var a in [5, -5]) {
    for (var b in [3, -3]) {
      print("$a ~/ $b         = ${a ~/ b}");
      print("$a % $b          = ${a % b}");
      print("$a.remainder($b) = ${a.remainder(b)}");
      print("$a = $b * ($a ~/ $b) + $a.remainder($b) = ${b * (a ~/ b) + a.remainder(b)}");

This code shows all the combinations and that a == (a ~/ b) * b + a.remainder(b) in general.

answered on Stack Overflow Nov 19, 2020 by lrn • edited Nov 20, 2020 by lrn

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