Bizarre Return Code from SetUserFileEncryptionKey


I'd like to read an EFS certificate (say from a pfx file) and use it temporarily to read/write some files. (I'd like it to not persist in any store once the program exits.) It looks like SetUserFileEncryptionKey might provide this functionality, but I get a bizarre return code (0x80092004) when I try it. Here's my code:

var x509Cert = new X509Certificate2(@"C:\Users\Public\Downloads\key.pfx", "<mypass>");
var certContext = Marshal.PtrToStructure<CertContext>(x509Cert.Handle);

var blob = new EfsCertificateBlob
    dwCertEncodingType = certContext.dwCertEncodingType,
    cbData = certContext.cbCertEncoded,
    pbData = certContext.pbCertEncoded,

var pCertBlob = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(blob));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(blob, pCertBlob, false);

var id = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
var curStringSid = id.User?.Value;

ConvertStringSidToSid(curStringSid, out var sidPtr);

var certStruct = new EncryptionCertificate
    cbTotalLength = (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(EncryptionCertificate)),
    pUserSid = sidPtr,
    pCertBlob = pCertBlob,

var res = SetUserFileEncryptionKey(certStruct);

Console.WriteLine($"Result: 0x{res:X}"); // Result: 0x80092004

Here too is my interop code:

public class CertContext
    public uint dwCertEncodingType;
    public IntPtr pbCertEncoded;
    public uint cbCertEncoded;
    public IntPtr pCertInfo;
    public IntPtr hCertStore;

public class EfsCertificateBlob
    public uint dwCertEncodingType;
    public uint cbData;
    public IntPtr pbData;

public class EncryptionCertificate
    public uint cbTotalLength;
    public IntPtr pUserSid;
    public IntPtr pCertBlob;

public static extern uint SetUserFileEncryptionKey(EncryptionCertificate pEncryptionCertificate);

Does SetUserFileEncryptionKey do what I hope it does? And what am I doing wrong here?

(My use case is in working with sensitive data that I don't want the user to later be able to read or redistribute. So I'd like those files to be inaccessible as soon as the process terminates.)

asked on Stack Overflow Oct 13, 2020 by Benjamin • edited Oct 16, 2020 by Benjamin

1 Answer


It appears that 0x80092004 is CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND and that SetUserFileEncryptionKey only works with certificates that are already part of the user's certificate store. When I import the relevant certificate, the above code returns ERROR_SUCCESS. It seems this function doesn't serve the use case that I hoped it did.

answered on Stack Overflow Oct 14, 2020 by Benjamin • edited Oct 16, 2020 by Benjamin

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