Entity Framework Core ExecuteSqlInterpolated gives Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException


I'm looping over a bunch of tables and have to delete records in each of them having a specific column name. I was able to get that list but the following line gives me the exception: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Must declare the table variable "@p0".

foreach (var dsw in deleteSwModels)
    contextCtx.Database.ExecuteSqlInterpolated($"DELETE FROM {dsw.Name} WHERE DeleteSw = 1");

The property Name looks like Person.Address where Person is the schema name under which the table is placed.

The version of Entity Framework Core is 3.1.8

asked on Stack Overflow Oct 5, 2020 by Kris van der Mast • edited Oct 5, 2020 by Kris van der Mast

1 Answer


I went digging further into the exception details and in the source code at Github ef core.

I solved the problem by making use of the following statement instead:

contextCtx.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw($"DELETE FROM {dsw.Name} WHERE DeleteSw = 1");

I hope it helps someone else in the future.

answered on Stack Overflow Oct 5, 2020 by Kris van der Mast

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