SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom() doesn't compile?


I'm trying to create a RGB Surface from another surface with SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom because it's a TTF surface and I want to change the depth to access the surface pixels, this function is supposed to return a SDL_Surface* pointer but the compilers says it returns an int and I cant assign the return to my SDL_Surface* pointer, which is weird because SDL_CreateRGBSurface works perfectly the way it's supposed to.

Here's the code and the compiler message:

SDL_Surface     *tmp = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(mySurface->pixels, mySurface->w, mySurface->h, 32, 32 * mySurface->w, RMASK, GMASK, BMASK, AMASK);

Compiling src/main.c: error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion assigning to 'SDL_Surface *' (aka 'struct SDL_Surface *') from 'int' [-,-Wint-conversion]
  ...= SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(mySurface->pixels, mySurface->w, mySurface->h, 32, 32 * mySurface->w, RMASK, GMASK, BMASK, AMASK)

Minimal Reproductible program:

# include <SDL.h>
# include <SDL_ttf.h>
#  define RMASK 0xff000000
#  define GMASK 0x00ff0000
#  define BMASK 0x0000ff00
#  define AMASK 0x000000ff
# else
#  define RMASK 0x000000ff
#  define GMASK 0x0000ff00
#  define BMASK 0x00ff0000
#  define AMASK 0xff000000
# endif

int             main(void)
    SDL_Surface     *textSurface;
    SDL_Surface     *newSurface;
    TTF_Font        *font;
    SDL_Color       white = {255, 255, 255, 255};

    font = TTF_OpenFont()
    if (SDL_Init() || TTF_Init()
    || !(font = TTF_OpenFont("assets/fonts/SweetCreamy.ttf", 30))
    || !(textSurface = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font, "Test", white))
    || !(newSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(textSurface->pixels, textSurface->w, textSurface->h, 32, 32 * textSurface->w, RMASK, GMASK, BMASK, AMASK)))
        return (-1);
    return (0);
asked on Stack Overflow Sep 28, 2020 by Fayeure • edited Sep 28, 2020 by Fayeure

1 Answer


It would appear that SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom is being implicitly defined and as such is returning an int as is the default. Ensure you are including SDL.h.

answered on Stack Overflow Sep 28, 2020 by TTG

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