Different performance of "if" and "if else" in Java


I noticed that if else / ternary (condition ? a : b) assigment is faster than conditional assigment in if only statement. I performed JMH benchmarks on different JDKs but i will focus on JDK 12.

(ops / sec, higher is better) JMH benchmark

Source code:

public class FindMaxBenchmark {
    public static int SIZE = 1_000_000;

    public static void findMax_if(Blackhole bh, Mock mock) {
        int result = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int[] data = mock.tab;

        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            if (data[i] > result) {
                result = data[i];


    public static void findMax_if_else(Blackhole bh, Mock mock) {
        int result = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int[] data = mock.tab;

        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            if (data[i] > result) {
                result = data[i];
            } else {
                result = result;


    public static void findMax_ternary(Blackhole bh, Mock mock) {
        int result = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int[] data = mock.tab;

        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            result = data[i] > result ? data[i] : result;


    public static void findMax_intrinsicMax(Blackhole bh, Mock mock) {
        int result = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int[] data = mock.tab;

        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            result = Math.max(data[i], result);


    public static class Mock {
        private int[] tab = new int[SIZE];

        public int[] getTab() {
            return tab;

        public void setup() {
            Random r = new Random();
            this.tab = r.ints(SIZE).toArray();

findMax_if_else perfasm output (ternary is almost the same):

c2, level 4, codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else, version 493 (165 bytes)

                             0x00007fc7a8671a6b: cmp    r8d,ebp
         ╭                   0x00007fc7a8671a6e: jae    0x00007fc7a8671b3d
         │                   0x00007fc7a8671a74: mov    edx,DWORD PTR [r9+0x10]        ;*iaload {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │                                                                             ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@21 (line 34)
         │                   0x00007fc7a8671a78: cmp    edx,0x80000000
         │╭                  0x00007fc7a8671a7e: jg     0x00007fc7a8671a85             ;*if_icmple {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         ││                                                                            ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@23 (line 34)
         ││                  0x00007fc7a8671a80: mov    edx,0x80000000                 ;*iinc {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         ││                                                                            ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@36 (line 33)
         │↘                  0x00007fc7a8671a85: mov    ebx,ebp
  0.02%  │                   0x00007fc7a8671a87: add    ebx,0xfffffffd
         │                   0x00007fc7a8671a8a: cmp    r8d,ebx
         │                   0x00007fc7a8671a8d: cmovl  ebx,r11d
         │                   0x00007fc7a8671a91: mov    r8d,0x1
  0.00%  │                   0x00007fc7a8671a97: cmp    ebx,0x1
         │ ╭                 0x00007fc7a8671a9a: jle    0x00007fc7a8671b00
         │ │                 0x00007fc7a8671a9c: mov    rdi,r9                         ;*goto {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │                                                                           ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@39 (line 33)
         │ │╭                0x00007fc7a8671a9f: jmp    0x00007fc7a8671ab9
  0.01%  │ ││     ↗          0x00007fc7a8671aa1: mov    edx,ecx
         │ ││     │          0x00007fc7a8671aa3: nop    DWORD PTR [rax+0x0]
         │ ││     │          0x00007fc7a8671aaa: nop    WORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]
  8.06%  │ ││    ↗│          0x00007fc7a8671ab0: add    r8d,0x4                        ;*iinc {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ ││    ││                                                                    ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@36 (line 33)
 11.38%  │ ││    ││          0x00007fc7a8671ab4: cmp    r8d,ebx
 13.63%  │ ││╭   ││          0x00007fc7a8671ab7: jge    0x00007fc7a8671af1             ;*aload_3 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │││   ││                                                                    ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@18 (line 34)
  3.02%  │ │↘│   ││   ↗      0x00007fc7a8671ab9: mov    r11d,DWORD PTR [r9+r8*4+0x10]  ;*iaload {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │ │   ││   │                                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@21 (line 34)
  8.53%  │ │ │   ││   │      0x00007fc7a8671abe: cmp    r11d,edx
  4.54%  │ │ │╭  ││   │      0x00007fc7a8671ac1: jg     0x00007fc7a8671ae2             ;*iinc {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │ ││  ││   │                                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@36 (line 33)
  4.96%  │ │ ││  ││↗  │      0x00007fc7a8671ac3: mov    r11d,DWORD PTR [r9+r8*4+0x14]  ;*iaload {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │ ││  │││  │                                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@21 (line 34)
  3.73%  │ │ ││  │││  │      0x00007fc7a8671ac8: cmp    r11d,edx
  9.19%  │ │ ││╭ │││  │      0x00007fc7a8671acb: jg     0x00007fc7a8671ae7             ;*iinc {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │ │││ │││  │                                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@36 (line 33)
  3.70%  │ │ │││ │││↗ │      0x00007fc7a8671acd: mov    r11d,DWORD PTR [r9+r8*4+0x18]  ;*iaload {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │ │││ ││││ │                                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@21 (line 34)
  4.96%  │ │ │││ ││││ │      0x00007fc7a8671ad2: cmp    r11d,edx
  4.45%  │ │ │││╭││││ │      0x00007fc7a8671ad5: jg     0x00007fc7a8671aec             ;*iinc {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │ ││││││││ │                                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@36 (line 33)
  8.55%  │ │ ││││││││↗│      0x00007fc7a8671ad7: mov    ecx,DWORD PTR [r9+r8*4+0x1c]   ;*iaload {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │ ││││││││││                                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@21 (line 34)
  6.11%  │ │ ││││││││││      0x00007fc7a8671adc: cmp    ecx,edx
  2.48%  │ │ ││││╰│││││      0x00007fc7a8671ade: jle    0x00007fc7a8671ab0             ;*if_icmple {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │ ││││ │││││                                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@23 (line 34)
         │ │ ││││ ╰││││      0x00007fc7a8671ae0: jmp    0x00007fc7a8671aa1
         │ │ │↘││  ││││      0x00007fc7a8671ae2: mov    edx,r11d
  0.00%  │ │ │ ││  ╰│││      0x00007fc7a8671ae5: jmp    0x00007fc7a8671ac3
  0.00%  │ │ │ ↘│   │││      0x00007fc7a8671ae7: mov    edx,r11d
  0.00%  │ │ │  │   ╰││      0x00007fc7a8671aea: jmp    0x00007fc7a8671acd
  0.00%  │ │ │  ↘    ││      0x00007fc7a8671aec: mov    edx,r11d
  0.00%  │ │ │       ╰│      0x00007fc7a8671aef: jmp    0x00007fc7a8671ad7
         │ │ ↘        │      0x00007fc7a8671af1: mov    r11,QWORD PTR [r15+0x108]      ; ImmutableOopMap{r10=Oop r9=NarrowOop rdi=Oop }
         │ │          │                                                                ;*goto {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │          │                                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@39 (line 33)
         │ │          │      0x00007fc7a8671af8: test   DWORD PTR [r11],eax            ;*goto {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │          │                                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@39 (line 33)
         │ │          │                                                                ;   {poll}
         │ │          │      0x00007fc7a8671afb: cmp    r8d,ebx
  0.00%  │ │          ╰      0x00007fc7a8671afe: jl     0x00007fc7a8671ab9
         │ ↘                 0x00007fc7a8671b00: cmp    r8d,ebp
  0.00%  │             ╭     0x00007fc7a8671b03: jge    0x00007fc7a8671b1a
         │             │     0x00007fc7a8671b05: data16 xchg ax,ax                     ;*aload_3 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │             │                                                               ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@18 (line 34)
         │             │ ↗   0x00007fc7a8671b08: mov    r11d,DWORD PTR [r9+r8*4+0x10]  ;*iaload {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │             │ │                                                             ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@21 (line 34)
  0.01%  │             │ │   0x00007fc7a8671b0d: cmp    r11d,edx
         │             │╭│   0x00007fc7a8671b10: jg     0x00007fc7a8671b38
         │             │││↗  0x00007fc7a8671b12: inc    r8d                            ;*iinc {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │             ││││                                                            ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@36 (line 33)
         │             ││││  0x00007fc7a8671b15: cmp    r8d,ebp
         │             ││╰│  0x00007fc7a8671b18: jl     0x00007fc7a8671b08             ;*if_icmpge {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │             ││ │                                                            ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@15 (line 33)
         │             ↘│ │  0x00007fc7a8671b1a: test   r10,r10
  0.00%  │              │ │  0x00007fc7a8671b1d: je     0x00007fc7a8671b52
         │              │ │  0x00007fc7a8671b1f: mov    rsi,r10
         │              │ │  0x00007fc7a8671b22: nop
         │              │ │  0x00007fc7a8671b23: call   0x00007fc7a8671ba0             ; ImmutableOopMap{}
         │              │ │                                                            ;*invokevirtual consume {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │              │ │                                                            ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@44 (line 41)
         │              │ │                                                            ;   {optimized virtual_call}
         │              │ │  0x00007fc7a8671b28: add    rsp,0x20
  0.01%  │              │ │  0x00007fc7a8671b2c: pop    rbp
         │              │ │  0x00007fc7a8671b2d: mov    r10,QWORD PTR [r15+0x108]
         │              │ │  0x00007fc7a8671b34: test   DWORD PTR [r10],eax            ;   {poll_return}
         │              │ │  0x00007fc7a8671b37: ret
         │              ↘ │  0x00007fc7a8671b38: mov    edx,r11d
         │                ╰  0x00007fc7a8671b3b: jmp    0x00007fc7a8671b12
         ↘                   0x00007fc7a8671b3d: mov    esi,0xffffff7e
                             0x00007fc7a8671b42: mov    QWORD PTR [rsp],r10
                             0x00007fc7a8671b46: mov    DWORD PTR [rsp+0x8],r9d
                             0x00007fc7a8671b4b: call   0x00007fc7a0ba3d00             ; ImmutableOopMap{[0]=Oop [8]=NarrowOop }
                                                                                       ;*if_icmpge {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}

findMax_if perfasm output:

c2, level 4, codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if, version 480 (165 bytes)

                              0x00007f34cc66e7eb: cmp    r8d,ebp
         ╭                    0x00007f34cc66e7ee: jae    0x00007f34cc66e8c4
         │                    0x00007f34cc66e7f4: mov    edx,DWORD PTR [r9+0x10]        ;*iaload {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │                                                                              ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@21 (line 19)
         │                    0x00007f34cc66e7f8: cmp    edx,0x80000000
         │╭                   0x00007f34cc66e7fe: jg     0x00007f34cc66e805             ;*if_icmple {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         ││                                                                             ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@23 (line 19)
         ││                   0x00007f34cc66e800: mov    edx,0x80000000                 ;*iinc {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         ││                                                                             ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@31 (line 18)
         │↘                   0x00007f34cc66e805: mov    ebx,ebp
  0.01%  │                    0x00007f34cc66e807: add    ebx,0xfffffffd
         │                    0x00007f34cc66e80a: cmp    r8d,ebx
         │                    0x00007f34cc66e80d: cmovl  ebx,r11d
         │                    0x00007f34cc66e811: mov    r8d,0x1
         │                    0x00007f34cc66e817: cmp    ebx,0x1
         │ ╭                  0x00007f34cc66e81a: jle    0x00007f34cc66e880
         │ │                  0x00007f34cc66e81c: mov    rdi,r9                         ;*goto {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │                                                                            ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@34 (line 18)
         │ │╭                 0x00007f34cc66e81f: jmp    0x00007f34cc66e839
         │ ││    ↗            0x00007f34cc66e821: mov    edx,ecx
  0.00%  │ ││    │            0x00007f34cc66e823: nop    DWORD PTR [rax+0x0]
         │ ││    │            0x00007f34cc66e82a: nop    WORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]
  0.89%  │ ││    │↗           0x00007f34cc66e830: add    r8d,0x4                        ;*iinc {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ ││    ││                                                                     ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@31 (line 18)
 12.36%  │ ││    ││           0x00007f34cc66e834: cmp    r8d,ebx
  0.11%  │ ││╭   ││           0x00007f34cc66e837: jge    0x00007f34cc66e871             ;*aload_3 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │││   ││                                                                     ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@18 (line 19)
  9.94%  │ │↘│   ││   ↗       0x00007f34cc66e839: mov    r11d,DWORD PTR [r9+r8*4+0x10]  ;*iaload {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │ │   ││   │                                                                 ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@21 (line 19)
  0.11%  │ │ │   ││   │       0x00007f34cc66e83e: cmp    r11d,edx
 10.05%  │ │ │╭  ││   │       0x00007f34cc66e841: jg     0x00007f34cc66e862             ;*iinc {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │ ││  ││   │                                                                 ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@31 (line 18)
  0.13%  │ │ ││  ││↗  │       0x00007f34cc66e843: mov    r11d,DWORD PTR [r9+r8*4+0x14]  ;*iaload {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │ ││  │││  │                                                                 ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@21 (line 19)
  9.84%  │ │ ││  │││  │       0x00007f34cc66e848: cmp    r11d,edx
  0.11%  │ │ ││╭ │││  │       0x00007f34cc66e84b: jg     0x00007f34cc66e867             ;*iinc {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │ │││ │││  │                                                                 ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@31 (line 18)
 10.02%  │ │ │││ │││↗ │       0x00007f34cc66e84d: mov    r11d,DWORD PTR [r9+r8*4+0x18]  ;*iaload {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │ │││ ││││ │                                                                 ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@21 (line 19)
  0.33%  │ │ │││ ││││ │       0x00007f34cc66e852: cmp    r11d,edx
 23.63%  │ │ │││╭││││ │       0x00007f34cc66e855: jg     0x00007f34cc66e86c             ;*iinc {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │ ││││││││ │                                                                 ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@31 (line 18)
  0.13%  │ │ ││││││││↗│       0x00007f34cc66e857: mov    ecx,DWORD PTR [r9+r8*4+0x1c]   ;*iaload {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │ ││││││││││                                                                 ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@21 (line 19)
  9.89%  │ │ ││││││││││       0x00007f34cc66e85c: cmp    ecx,edx
  0.11%  │ │ ││││╰│││││       0x00007f34cc66e85e: jg     0x00007f34cc66e821             ;*if_icmple {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │ ││││ │││││                                                                 ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@23 (line 19)
  9.71%  │ │ ││││ ╰││││       0x00007f34cc66e860: jmp    0x00007f34cc66e830
         │ │ │↘││  ││││       0x00007f34cc66e862: mov    edx,r11d
  0.00%  │ │ │ ││  ╰│││       0x00007f34cc66e865: jmp    0x00007f34cc66e843
         │ │ │ ↘│   │││       0x00007f34cc66e867: mov    edx,r11d
  0.00%  │ │ │  │   ╰││       0x00007f34cc66e86a: jmp    0x00007f34cc66e84d
         │ │ │  ↘    ││       0x00007f34cc66e86c: mov    edx,r11d
  0.00%  │ │ │       ╰│       0x00007f34cc66e86f: jmp    0x00007f34cc66e857
         │ │ ↘        │       0x00007f34cc66e871: mov    r11,QWORD PTR [r15+0x108]      ; ImmutableOopMap{r10=Oop r9=NarrowOop rdi=Oop }
         │ │          │                                                                 ;*goto {reexecute=1 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │          │                                                                 ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@34 (line 18)
  0.00%  │ │          │       0x00007f34cc66e878: test   DWORD PTR [r11],eax            ;*goto {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ │          │                                                                 ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@34 (line 18)
         │ │          │                                                                 ;   {poll}
         │ │          │       0x00007f34cc66e87b: cmp    r8d,ebx
         │ │          ╰       0x00007f34cc66e87e: jl     0x00007f34cc66e839
         │ ↘                  0x00007f34cc66e880: cmp    r8d,ebp
  0.00%  │             ╭      0x00007f34cc66e883: jge    0x00007f34cc66e89a
         │             │      0x00007f34cc66e885: data16 xchg ax,ax                     ;*aload_3 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │             │                                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@18 (line 19)
  0.00%  │             │ ↗    0x00007f34cc66e888: mov    r11d,DWORD PTR [r9+r8*4+0x10]  ;*iaload {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │             │ │                                                              ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@21 (line 19)
  0.01%  │             │ │    0x00007f34cc66e88d: cmp    r11d,edx
         │             │╭│    0x00007f34cc66e890: jg     0x00007f34cc66e8b8
         │             │││↗   0x00007f34cc66e892: inc    r8d                            ;*iinc {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │             ││││                                                             ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@31 (line 18)
         │             ││││   0x00007f34cc66e895: cmp    r8d,ebp
         │             ││╰│   0x00007f34cc66e898: jl     0x00007f34cc66e888             ;*if_icmpge {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │             ││ │                                                             ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@15 (line 18)
         │             ↘│ │↗  0x00007f34cc66e89a: test   r10,r10
  0.00%  │              │ ││  0x00007f34cc66e89d: je     0x00007f34cc66e8da
         │              │ ││  0x00007f34cc66e89f: mov    rsi,r10
         │              │ ││  0x00007f34cc66e8a2: nop
         │              │ ││  0x00007f34cc66e8a3: call   0x00007f34cc66e920             ; ImmutableOopMap{}
         │              │ ││                                                            ;*invokevirtual consume {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │              │ ││                                                            ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@39 (line 24)
         │              │ ││                                                            ;   {optimized virtual_call}
  0.00%  │              │ ││  0x00007f34cc66e8a8: add    rsp,0x20
  0.01%  │              │ ││  0x00007f34cc66e8ac: pop    rbp
         │              │ ││  0x00007f34cc66e8ad: mov    r10,QWORD PTR [r15+0x108]
         │              │ ││  0x00007f34cc66e8b4: test   DWORD PTR [r10],eax            ;   {poll_return}
         │              │ ││  0x00007f34cc66e8b7: ret
         │              ↘ ││  0x00007f34cc66e8b8: mov    edx,r11d
         │                ╰│  0x00007f34cc66e8bb: jmp    0x00007f34cc66e892
         │                 │  0x00007f34cc66e8bd: mov    edx,0x80000000
         │                 ╰  0x00007f34cc66e8c2: jmp    0x00007f34cc66e89a
         ↘                    0x00007f34cc66e8c4: mov    esi,0xffffff7e
                              0x00007f34cc66e8c9: mov    QWORD PTR [rsp],r10
                              0x00007f34cc66e8cd: mov    DWORD PTR [rsp+0x8],r9d


  • there is only one significant difference between findMax_if and findMax_if_else:

0x00007f34cc66e85e: jg 0x00007f34cc66e821 vs 0x00007fc7a8671ade: jle 0x00007fc7a8671ab0

  • findMax_intrinsicMax which laverage intrinsic Math.max has worst performance, which is counterintuitive to me.


  • Is normal to add else statement containing code which doesn't change anything (like x = x;)? Especially in code which is executed on one thread.
  • Where is the real source of thourghput difference? I see the jg (jump if greater) is not the jle (jump if less or equal). Effectively the first condition is the inverted second condition.
  • What is the point of using Math.max if simple if else statement has higher throughput?

Source code on GitHub

run_tests.sh runs benchmark and generate plot.

asked on Stack Overflow Sep 7, 2020 by Jakub Biały • edited Sep 7, 2020 by Jakub Biały

1 Answer


First, in order to minimize the amount of irrelevant ASM code and to simplify analysis, let's add the following JVM options:

  • -XX:LoopUnrollLimit=0 - turns off loop unrolling;
  • -XX:-UseCountedLoopSafepoints - eliminates safepoint polling from the loop.

Now the performance difference in favor of if_else will be even bigger, while the result assembly will be much simpler. Here is the loop body of both benchmarks.


         ╭     0x0000029707af78f5: jmp     29707af7908h
         │ ↗   0x0000029707af78f7: mov     r8d,ecx
         │ │   0x0000029707af78fa: nop     word ptr [rax+rax+0h]
  0,66%  │ │↗  0x0000029707af7900: inc     r9d               ;*iinc {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ ││                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@31 (line 18)
  1,02%  │ ││  0x0000029707af7903: cmp     r9d,r10d
         │╭││  0x0000029707af7906: jnl     29707af7914h      ;*aload_3 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         ││││                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@18 (line 19)
  2,06%  ↘│││  0x0000029707af7908: mov     ecx,dword ptr [r11+r9*4+10h]
          │││                                                ;*iaload {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
          │││                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@21 (line 19)
 50,86%   │││  0x0000029707af790d: cmp     ecx,r8d
  0,02%   │╰│  0x0000029707af7910: jnle    29707af78f7h      ;*if_icmple {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
          │ │                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@23 (line 19)
 41,01%   │ ╰  0x0000029707af7912: jmp     29707af7900h      ;*if_icmpge {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
          │                                                  ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if@15 (line 18)
          ↘    0x0000029707af7914: test    rbx,rbx


         ╭     0x00000137d24d4b75: jmp     137d24d4b88h
         │  ↗  0x00000137d24d4b77: mov     r8d,ecx
         │  │  0x00000137d24d4b7a: nop     word ptr [rax+rax+0h]
 72,63%  │ ↗│  0x00000137d24d4b80: inc     r9d               ;*iinc {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         │ ││                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@36 (line 33)
  0,05%  │ ││  0x00000137d24d4b83: cmp     r9d,r10d
  0,01%  │╭││  0x00000137d24d4b86: jnl     137d24d4b94h      ;*aload_3 {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
         ││││                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@18 (line 34)
  6,47%  ↘│││  0x00000137d24d4b88: mov     ecx,dword ptr [r11+r9*4+10h]
          │││                                                ;*iaload {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
          │││                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@21 (line 34)
 15,93%   │││  0x00000137d24d4b8d: cmp     ecx,r8d
  0,18%   │╰│  0x00000137d24d4b90: jle     137d24d4b80h      ;*if_icmple {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
          │ │                                                ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@23 (line 34)
  0,01%   │ ╰  0x00000137d24d4b92: jmp     137d24d4b77h      ;*if_icmpge {reexecute=0 rethrow=0 return_oop=0}
          │                                                  ; - codes.dbg.FindMaxBenchmark::findMax_if_else@15 (line 33)
          ↘    0x00000137d24d4b94: test    rbx,rbx

This aligns with your findings: the only difference between two compilations is the inverted jump condition: jnle vs. jle. Why jnle variant is slower then?

If we carefully look at the benchmark code, we'll realize that the point where the current maximum changes, happens quite seldom. On average, data[i] > result is true only 14 times per the entire loop. This means, jnle branch is taken only 0.001% time, and the rest 99.999% time the execution goes through the next jmp instruction.

On the contrary, jle instruction in the second variant is taken 99.999% time, and the execution almost never reaches the following jmp. So, the first loop retires 7 instructions per iteration, while the second one - only 6 instructions.

JMH has built-in perfnorm profiler (available on Linux) that supplements benchmark results with CPU performance counters stats. Let's run it with -prof perfnorm.

Benchmark                                                Mode  Cnt        Score    Error  Units
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if                             thrpt   10     1447.576 ±  8.854  ops/s
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if:CPI                         thrpt             0.335            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if:L1-dcache-load-misses       thrpt         63971.361            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if:L1-dcache-loads             thrpt       1014974.522            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if:L1-dcache-stores            thrpt          6105.121            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if:L1-icache-load-misses       thrpt          1641.074            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if:branch-misses               thrpt           146.305            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if:branches                    thrpt       3006620.048            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if:cycles                      thrpt       2358093.526            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if:dTLB-load-misses            thrpt          1085.740            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if:dTLB-loads                  thrpt       1012739.362            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if:dTLB-store-misses           thrpt            21.985            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if:dTLB-stores                 thrpt          6146.243            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if:iTLB-load-misses            thrpt           139.741            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if:iTLB-loads                  thrpt            42.031            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if:instructions                thrpt       7039394.622            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if_else                        thrpt   10     2472.400 ± 36.958  ops/s
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if_else:CPI                    thrpt             0.229            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if_else:L1-dcache-load-misses  thrpt         63353.481            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if_else:L1-dcache-loads        thrpt       1007856.753            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if_else:L1-dcache-stores       thrpt          3696.805            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if_else:L1-icache-load-misses  thrpt          1182.253            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if_else:branch-misses          thrpt            72.334            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if_else:branches               thrpt       2000460.845            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if_else:cycles                 thrpt       1380927.546            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if_else:dTLB-load-misses       thrpt           845.629            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if_else:dTLB-loads             thrpt       1006135.685            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if_else:dTLB-store-misses      thrpt            13.336            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if_else:dTLB-stores            thrpt          3545.950            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if_else:iTLB-load-misses       thrpt            80.233            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if_else:iTLB-loads             thrpt            19.009            #/op
FindMaxBenchmark.findMax_if_else:instructions           thrpt       6018937.376            #/op

Perf counters confirm that findMax_if executes 7M instructions with 3M branches, whereas findMax_if_else executes 6M instructions with 2M branches. I guess it's clear now where the difference comes from, so what about the other questions?

Is normal to add else statement containing code which doesn't change anything

I don't think so. At least because this looks counterintuitive, and makes the code harder to read and to understand. It's just a matter of luck that the redundant code inverted the branch condition in a good way. Replace your random array with a sorted one, so that data[i] > result will be mostly true, and then findMax_if will become the fastest option.

What is the point of using Math.max if simple if else statement has higher throughput?

Again, this is not always true. This highly depends on the nature of the data. When the branches are easy to predict, if statement performs better. But as soon as the branch predictor starts to fail often, the performance will drop drastically. Math.max, being a JVM intrinsic method, is translated to the branchless cmov instruction, which has an advantage of the stable performance regardless of the data distribution.

Here is an example data set where Math.max greatly outperforms all other options:

public void setup() {
    Random r = new Random();
    this.tab = r.ints(SIZE).sorted().toArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < tab.length; i += ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(3)) {
        tab[i] = 0;
answered on Stack Overflow Sep 8, 2020 by apangin

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