I'm facing a problem when reading 2400 tasks from a MS Project file. My code is running succesfully but after some time I'm getting the next error:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80010001): Aanroep geweigerd door aangeroepene. (Uitzondering van HRESULT: 0x80010001 (RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED)) bij Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject.Task.get_Name() bij _Default.MSPReadAll() in D:\Websites\WebSite1\MSP\Default.aspx.vb:regel 142
Sometimes it's after 140 tasks and the other time it is at 240 tasks. The less info I check the more tasks I can read. So I'm thinking of a kind of timeout. Hopefully somebody @stackoverflow can help me.
Sub MSPReadAll()
Dim appclass As New Application
appclass.DisplayAlerts = False
appclass.Visible = True
Dim project As Project = appclass.ActiveProject
Dim oSubTask As Task
Dim taskName As String
Dim taskId As String
Dim taskStart As Date
Dim PrevTask As String = ""
Dim SuperVisor As String = ""
Dim aantal As Integer = 0
Dim err As String = ""
Dim totaal As Integer = project.Tasks.Count
For Each oSubTask In project.Tasks
aantal = aantal + 1
taskId = oSubTask.UniqueID
taskName = oSubTask.Name
taskStart = oSubTask.Start
PrevTask = oSubTask.Predecessors
SuperVisor = oSubTask.Text18
Response.Write("<p><strong>" & taskName & " (" & aantal & ")</strong><br>ID: " & taskId & "<br>Start: " & taskStart & "<br>PrevTask: " & PrevTask & "<br>SuperVisor: " & SuperVisor & "</p>")
Catch ex2 As System.Exception
Response.Write("EX2 " & ex2.ToString)
End Try
Catch ex As System.Exception
End Try
End Sub
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