Backup an external drive to an external drive - windows 10


Is it possible? I've tried adding the external drive (i.e., drive to be backed up) in Windows backup options, but I just get an error (0x80070032).

If it matters, I'm using an HDD for backup, and an SSD that needs to be backed up.

asked on Stack Overflow Aug 20, 2020 by Derelict

1 Answer


I came across "AOMEI Backupper". It does the job, and actually did save me from losing 6 months of work (from home). However, I ended up just buying a bigger SSD and backing up to an external SSD (so I have a portable copy if needed).

AOMEI works, but is a little "rough around the edges", if you know what I mean..

answered on Stack Overflow Feb 5, 2021 by Derelict

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