Looking for tricks to fix New-PSSession errorcode 0x80090322


New-PSSession is pretty straight forward and for the most part works, but it's still a tad dodgy in the environment I am working within. The company I do side sysadmin for has a strange situation where we have two VPNs floating around with most of the employees working remote. Now for the most part, I understand that if their registered IP still hasn't updated (Due to lag, dropping and reconnecting, or those two VPN's fighting each-other,) I know PSSession won't work immediately. That's all fine. What I don't quite get however are the cases where remote tools, and interacting with their machine via \\CName\c$ work fine, but powershell still fails. Poking around enabling psremoting tends to fix this, but in our environment this requires elevated credentials, which most employees do not posses. Currently I'm in the middle of an annoying repair project for microsoft's software center, and a few machines just refuse any attempts for my tools to open a session with them to uninstall, reinstall, or otherwise repair components.

I'm wondering if people have any tricks up their sleeves or know of a good PSRemoting thread (I'm very new here, and a bit to powershell as well,) about other methods, either through command line remotely or otherwise. I'm new to the industry and I can't quite seem to puzzle this out. Attached is an image that I'm sure a lot of people have seen before when it comes to this error.

PS_Session Kerberos error

Am I boned in needing to enable-pssession on everyone's machines? They don't let me touch group policies so I can't quite use that to make anything standard either. gpupdate/force on some of those machines tends to freak out due to how terrible our deployment of configurationmanager/software center is, too...

asked on Stack Overflow Aug 20, 2020 by Cameron Hartley • edited Aug 20, 2020 by Mathias R. Jessen

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