Opposing to previous assumptions our partner still uses opc da on a Siemens S7-319F 3PN/DP
Now I'm trying to connect to said opc da server on a remote machine.
If I use OPC Scout V10 everything looks fine - but when I try to connect using Siemens' COMDA client or one of their example programs like 21043779_Csharp_OPCClient_RCW_CODE\OpcClientDA_V2
I get errors that finally point to a 0x80070005 E_AccessDenied
My question is - why is opc scount able to access the opc server and pull various variables while my client software on the same machine and using the same account gets errors ?
What can I do to finally enable the opc communication not only using opc scout ? End result should be read and write access to said opc variables
you can read this guide i think it'll help you :-
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