I am trying to read a value from a nested Json object, but I am getting a Parse error:
My Json object:
"MessageId": "f6774927-37cf-4608-b985-14a7d86a38f9",
"Time": "2017-04-06T16:28:38.0719933+02:00",
"value": "0008044834"
"value": 0
"value": 0
var myJsonString = File.ReadAllText(_currentDictory.FullName + @"\test\" + completeFilename);
var myJObject = JObject.Parse(myJsonString);
var serial = myJObject.SelectToken("Data.ID").Value<String>();
Message=Cannot cast Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject to Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.
Reading other values such as "MessageID" works withou any problems, but as soon as I try to get "Data.XYZ" I am getting the error above.
You need to add value
to your json path:
var serial = myJObject.SelectToken("Data.ID.value").Value<String>();
Your current path selects JObject
containing one property named value
and you can't convert it directly to string.
MessageId is a string. So you can directly read its value. Data on the other hand contains objects (see the { and } ). Therefor you need to use
var serial = myJObject.SelectToken("Data.ID.value").Value<String>();
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