How to shutdown computers (windows) into hibernate state?


I really enjoy one of the windows computer hibernate benefits:

I can power up the computer by pressing any key or mouse button.

I wish I can shutdown my computer into hibernate state. I mean, software OS is completely off, but hardware goes to hibernate level (I think it is S4). So I don't need to bend over to press the "hard-to-reach" power button on the PC case every time I want to turn on the computer.

Is there anyway programmly I can do that?

Already tried:

DllCall("ntdll.dll", "dword", "NtSetSystemPowerState", "dword", X, "dword", X, "ulong", 0x80000000)

Multiple power state values tested using the correct privilege, they either shutdown my pc or do-nothing. I can't programmly put my pc into S3 or S4 power state.

asked on Stack Overflow Jun 14, 2020 by Kyle Chen

2 Answers

#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    system("SHUTDOWN /H");

answered on Stack Overflow Jun 14, 2020 by user

SetSuspendState is the API to put the system into hibernate and well documented on MSDN.

answered on Stack Overflow Jan 4, 2021 by gabsleo

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