ServiceProvider must have at least one public constructor to be plugged in by StructureMap


I am trying to use an internal plugin (organisation specific) for some task implementation, in order to call the methods through plugin I need to pass the dependencies. I am done with the initial part but when I try to register in PreAppStart using:


I get below error:

  Message=Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider must have at least one public constructor to be plugged in by StructureMap

My analysis: I have got to know that the ServiceProvider class is used for dot net core but my solution is in standard dot net (4.7) and I need to implement this plugin in order to complete the work.

Also I have tried this:


but still the error is same. Please help!

asked on Stack Overflow May 12, 2020 by Sushant Rawat

1 Answer


You are telling structure map that when something needs a IServiceProvider it should create a ServiceProvider object. And it tells you that it cannot since ServiceProvider does not have a public constructor.

You probably want to register an actual object to use. like this


There is some methods to create a service provider, but this is part of .Net platform extensions. I'm unsure if this is available for .net framework projects.

answered on Stack Overflow May 12, 2020 by JonasH

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