I'm trying to check if a webp image is transparent in PHP or not. Is it possible?
Best would be in pure php.
After researching... i wrote this php function. Works great.
detect transparent and animation in a webp image.
function webp_info($f) {
// https://github.com/webmproject/libwebp/blob/master/src/dec/webp_dec.c
// https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/docs/riff_container
// https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/docs/webp_lossless_bitstream_specification
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61221874/detect-if-a-webp-image-is-transparent-in-php
$fp = fopen($f, 'rb');
if (!$fp) {
throw new Exception("webp_info(): fopen($f): Failed");
$buf = fread($fp, 25);
switch (true) {
case strlen($buf) < 25:
case substr($buf, 0, 4) != 'RIFF':
case substr($buf, 8, 4) != 'WEBP':
case substr($buf, 12, 3) != 'VP8':
throw new Exception("webp_info(): not a valid webp image");
case $buf[15] == ' ':
// Simple File Format (Lossy)
return array(
'type' => 'VP8',
'has-animation' => false,
'has-transparent' => false,
case $buf[15] == 'L':
// Simple File Format (Lossless)
return array(
'type' => 'VP8L',
'has-animation' => false,
'has-transparent' => (bool) (!!(ord($buf[24]) & 0x00000010)),
case $buf[15] == 'X':
// Extended File Format
return array(
'type' => 'VP8X',
'has-animation' => (bool) (!!(ord($buf[20]) & 0x00000002)),
'has-transparent' => (bool) (!!(ord($buf[20]) & 0x00000010)),
throw new Exception("webp_info(): could not detect webp type");
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