how install libvips NetVips in Azure cloud - Error:Unable to load DLL \ 'libvips-42.dll\ ' or one of its dependencies


I can run an azure function app with libvips library from localhost for this function app - manipulation for images output correctly. I setup my local environment by saving libvips win64 in a folder in my windows 10 PC, added libvips bin folder to environment PATH and in Visual studio I installed nuget NetVips,

This is the method I run :

var rgbThumbnail = NetVips.Image.ThumbnailBuffer(thisRGBImgBytes, 256);

I'm trying to run the .Net Core 3.1 V3 function app from azure. When I run from cloud I get "Error:Unable to load DLL \ 'libvips-42.dll\ ' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found . (0x8007007E)"

I had expected for the nuget packages in VS to suffice when uploading to the function app in azure. I've looked on the internet how to install libvips in Azure but I can't find any reference. Can someone please help?

thank you

asked on Stack Overflow Apr 14, 2020 by Sergio Solorzano • edited Apr 14, 2020 by Sergio Solorzano

2 Answers


Had similar problems. Libvips is using more then one dll.

Download from

Add all dll's then remove one by one. Or directly identify the missing dll.

answered on Stack Overflow Apr 24, 2020 by Vik

In Visual Studio, right-click your Azure Functions project, then click on Manage NuGet Packages, and install the following packages:

  • NetVips (latest version)
  • NetVips.Native (latest version)

That should solve the issue related to missing DLLs.

answered on Stack Overflow Oct 12, 2020 by Richard H

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