There is a Query that keeps timing out exactly after 30 seconds. I have seen a few posts on Stackoverflow which are similar to the issue i'm facing, the only thing that makes my issue different is that, i'm not using a DSN-LESS Connection, I'm using ODBC ADMINISTRATOR.
The following Error is the error i'm receiving:
16:33:16.06 System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException (0x80131937): ERROR [57014] ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout;
I guess my question is, how can i go about increasing the connection timeout using ODBC Administrator ?
Any help would be appreciated
You can try to run in each database session something similar to:
postgres=# set statement_timeout='300s';
postgres=# show statement_timeout;
(1 row)
To avoid doing this in each database session it would be easier to change this parameter in postgresql.conf: the new setting would be enabled for all database sessions.
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